Chance me for top schools

chance me??
1430 SAT
3.8 unweighted gpa
4 ap classes
Tutoring, nhs, student government
I applied to u of m, Cornell, Columbia, penn, etc
I know some of these are reaches but im allowed to dream

Yes you are allowed to dream

I hope you applied TO. Your chances are slim. However your URM status will help.

Make sure you have targets and safeties.

URM status?

Came from another chain can’t remember. OP could fill us in but I think was Cuban / Haitian. I’ll go find it.

Just looked. Doesn’t say. Moderator split to this one.

Maybe I confused. @bingbongboopbeep i think the message on the other thread had more detail ??

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My bad. I think I that was someone applying to Johns Hopkins.

Op. These are your reaches. So great. Unlikely but that’s what reaches are. Do you have targets / safeties in mind ?

I assume you can afford these or your parents are willing to pay? Did you fill out the Net Price Calculators?

Do you have a school rank ?

How many APs does your school offer ? Is 4 a lot or they offer many and you chose just to take 4 ? Which 4 have you taken ?


Are you in state at Michigan?

What major?

These are all far reaches, except UM IF you are in state and applied to LSA.

Need more details: rank, URM status, socioeconomic background, type of high school, region/state, ECs, major, etc.

But at first glance the 1430 looks like it might be your weak spot

I am hoping to get a lot of financial aid if accepted. Not sure what you mean by school rank. My school is in a pretty rural area so only 5 or 6 aps are offered, which is a lot for the area I am in . I have taken ap bio, ap environmental, ap gov, and ap calculus

What do you mean by URM status?? Im caucasian. I am in middle class, probably on lower side. Rural public high school. Psych major

caucasian female

URM = under represented minority

Are you from an under represented state? or are you first generation in your family to attend college?

Yes in state at Michigan with an undeclared LSA major

I am from Michigan, not sure if you consider that “under represented” , but I live in a very rural area. Not the first to go to college in my family

Whats your estimated class rank? You can estimate from SCOIR or Naviance. Or your counselor might now.

Do you have an affordable acceptance yet?

What is your budget? The schools on your list will meet full need as calculated by them. Have you run their NPCs to get cost estimates?

Here is U Mich’s: Net Price Calculator

Cornell’s: Net Price Calculator

NPCs might not be accurate if your parents are divorced, own a business, or own real estate beyond a primary home…are any of those the case for you?

Don’t hope for aid - you need(ed) to do the net price calculators before you applied - to see if you can afford them.

Make sure you have an in-state safety (C Michigan, Grand Valley, MSU, etc.) or an out of state affordable - like Alabama or MS State or UAH - which would all be under $22K or less for you (if you can afford that).

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As an in-state resident with your scores, I would imagine that U of M is a target, possibly heading toward a safety. Have you looked at the cost of the Ann Arbor campus? It costs $28,770 for the first two years (Lower Division LSA), and then an extra $2k per year for juniors and seniors (Upper Division LSA). Per CollegeBoard it’s $17k average per year (1340-1520 SAT range). I don’t know how generous Michigan is for merit aid, even one with your very good stats. So that $17k price might be brought down primarily by loans…I don’t know. Is $29k/year affordable for your family? My spouse started college at the Ann Arbor campus, but due to limited finances ending up transferring to a different public university in Michigan because of the lower cost.

Knowing what your EFC (expected family contribution) is really important, both in terms of what colleges are going to say your parents can afford and then a separate conversation of what your parents are willing to pay. If you get into a college that meets full-need, and the college’s EFC is within your family’s budget, great. If not, however, problems will ensue.

I’m not sure how exactly you chose to apply to the colleges you selected, nor do I know what is considered affordable for your family. Based on the colleges you mention it seems there’s a preference for private, in northern states, and perhaps not too far from your family. Also, remember that the closer you are to home, the lower transportation costs are likely to be.

I’ve gathered a decently extensive list of colleges where the application deadlines don’t seem to have passed yet where your SAT scores are going to be at least in the top 25%, if not higher. This means that not only is your admission highly likely, but these are colleges that are going to be giving merit aid, and depending on how motivated they are to rise in the ranks of USNWR with SAT scores, very generous. You might well be able to get a scholarship for full tuition, or possibly more, because you would be so highly desired. It would have been better had you applied in the fall, as there may have been more financial aid available, but I don’t think it would be too late for many of these universities. I would do some research and see if you’d be happy at any of these, what their financial aid options (and they may have been earlier deadlines for merit scholarships), and looking for the right fit.

The list below was compiled using the college search function at CollegeBoard.

February 15

  • Lake Forest College (IL), 1080-1280, $26k
  • Allegheny College ¶, 1140-1350, $24k

March 1

  • Washington & Jefferson College ¶, 1090-1280, $27k
  • University of Detroit Mercy (MI), 1060-1250, $18k

March 15

  • Juniata College (PA ), ACT 24-28, $27k

April 1

*** University of Michigan – Dearborn: 1070-1300, $11k**

May 1

*** Grand Valley State University (MI), 1050-1250, $17k**

August 1

  • Cedarville University (OH), 1120-1350, $24k
  • Chatham University ¶, 1050-1270, $26k

August 15

  • Ohio Northern University (OH), ACT 23-28, $25k

September 1

  • Taylor University (IN), 1080-1310, $27k

Deadline Not Available

  • Calvin University (MI), 1140-1360, $28k
  • John Carroll (OH), 1080-1280, $27k
  • Geneva College ¶, 1020-1240, $19k
  • Susquehanna University ¶, 1100-1290, $27k
  • Augustana College (IL), 1090-1320, $25k
  • Indiana Wesleyan University (IN), 1020-1230, $22k
  • Valparaiso University (IN), 1070-1290, $22k
  • Albion College (MI), 990-1200, $19k
  • Elmhurst University (IL), 980-1170, $23k
  • Huntington University (IN), 960-1140, $22k
    *** Michigan Technological University (MI), 1170-1370, $18k**
  • Westminster College ¶, 970-1180, $21k
  • Hanover College (IN), 1030-1240, $22k
  • Saint Vincent College ¶, 1030-1240, $21k
  • Gannon University ¶, 1030-1240, $22k
  • Marywood University ¶, 1000-1190, $23k
  • Mercyhurst University ¶, 1030-1220, $24k
  • Alba College (MI), 1030-1230, $23k
    *** Central Michigan University (MI), 990-1200, $15k**
  • Aquinas College (MI), 1010-1220), $20k
  • Grove City College ¶, 1130-1380, $22k
    *** Michigan State University (MI), 1100-1320, $17k**
  • Principia College, 1010-1220, $15k
  • Antioch College, (ACT 17-25), $23k
  • Lebanon Valley College ¶, 1050-1270, $27k
  • Bradley University (IL), 1070-1270, $27k

All the paragraph signs are ( PA ), Pennsylvania. And I bolded the Michigan publics.

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Do you also have safeties? Have you applied to MSU?

If your GPA is correctly computed as 3.8, then Cornell, Columbia, and the University of Pennsylvania are all reaches. U of M in-state is possible and more likely, but I do not think that it is a safety.


Congratulations to your academic results - a 3.8 UW GPA is very respectable, and you’ll likely have good opportunities at many great schools!

Nothing here “screams” Ivy League. By itself, NHS, SG, Tutoring, 4 APs and the SAT score, are not going to stand out at all among the many other applicants to those colleges. These schools can’t accommodate >90% of students with near-perfect ACT or SAT scores and very distinct extracurriculars.

So you would need to show an admissions officer something significantly more “intriguing” in your essay/extracurriculars, to elevate those chances from “unlikely” to “reach”.

Certainly, keep the dream alive, but I’d suggest not to invest too much emotions and effort, but rather work on your list of likely’s.


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