Chance me for Top Tier


<p>I'm a rising senior at a competitive California IB school that sends many students to top tiers (~10 to Stanford this year!). I'm in the Diploma Program.</p>


<p>UW: 4.0
W:~4.72 W GPA
Class Rank: 2/410</p>

<p>SAT I:
800 M 750 CR 790 W (2340 one sitting)</p>

<p>SAT II:
800 Math IIC (First I got a 770, retook), 800 Physics. I might take Bio this senior year.</p>

<p>National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>Scores: Only AP Calculus AB (5) because I took it soph year and IB scores aren't out yet.
Assume 5-7 for IB Math 2 and IB Econ SL and 4 for IB Spanish SL (tested out)</p>

<p>Highest Class Rigor Possible
Senior Courseload: IB HL Math (AP Calc BC+Multivariable), IB HL Bio, IB HL History, IB HL English, IB SL Physics, Theory of Knowledge.</p>


<p>-Captain of the Debate Team for Junior/Senior year, member both years. Very good team, we've won invites. I got second at an invite this year, won quite a few local tournaments, went to nationals this year, qualified all 3 years to state. I've had an immense leadership role on the team since frosh year. I also went to camp the summer before frosh year.
-Varsity Tennis Team since freshman year, presumably senior year as well. I really just do this for fun.
-I will be a State Council member of CASC (highest level), California Association of Student Councils, and I was a region member soph/junior year. This organization teaches kids all over the state about being effective student leaders, and we write education policy and present it to the California legislature. For example, a couple years back we shortened PE in California from 4 years to 2 :D. Great organization, most kids on it with good stats get Ivis/Top 20. I have a pretty big voice in the organization, and am really involved. I staff a lot of conferences and teach kids this curriculum, write and present legislation, etc.<br>
-100+ Volunteer hours
-I've been doing research since summer before junior year. Worked with YSP kids at UC Davis, but independently. I've been doing intense research all of that summer, junior year, and this summer as well. Based on my rate, I'm thinking I have a good,great chance of getting published/getting Intel STS Semis/Seimens Westinghouse Semis. If not, I'll get a glowing rec out of my professor. I'm also at BU's High School Summer Research program right now.
-Key Club member for 3 years.
-Mathletes for 3 years. Local tournaments of math contests. My team has won the whole league 2 years in a row. Just for fun.</p>

<p>Colleges I'm applying to:</p>

UPenn CAS (maybe early)
Stanford REA <----What I care about most.
Rice-Baylor 7 year med

<p>Thank you so much! I'll definitely Chance the replies I get :D</p>

I’d really appreciate a reply :)</p>

<p>Wow. I’ll get to it.</p>

<p>UCLA - low match
UCB - match
USC - match
Duke - high match
UPenn CAS (maybe early) - high match
Yale - low reach / reach
Harvard - reach (it’s Harvard)
Princeton - mid reach?
Stanford REA - reach (it’s Stanford)
Rice-Baylor 7 year med - I’m not sure if your research has to do anything with the medical field. If not, I’d have to say this program is a REACH for you since I think it’s quite selective.<br>
UChicago - high match / low reach
JHU - high match / reach</p>

<p>My research is regarding cardiac muscle (don’t want to go into details, pm me if you want them aha) so it involves medicine. Thanks though, you gave me good confidence :D</p>

<p>Do you think I should push CASC considering I’m interested in medicine? Because it gets people into colleges, but I’m not sure for my major.</p>

<p>Your stats are similar to many others who apply to those high tier schools (high gpa, most rigorous schedule possible, high class rank and 2300+ SAT). Your ECs are much better than average and coupled with a great essay and great recs, you should get into most of the schools you’re going to apply to. </p>

<p>UCLA - low match
UCB - low match
USC - low match
Duke - high match
UPenn CAS - high match
Yale - low reach
Harvard - reach
Princeton - low reach
Stanford REA - reach
UChicago - high match</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Duke-high match
UPenn CAS (maybe early)-low reach(when you say early, are you thinking ED here, cuz then it’s a definite match)
Stanford REA-reach
Rice-Baylor 7 year med-I don’t know about this program much, but I’d probably say match
JHU-match/low reach</p>

<p>You’ve got the whole package. Nothing more you can do but write a STUNNING essay and I’d say every school is a match then.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Now this is an amazing resume…</p>

<p>UCLA -match
UCB -match
USC -match
Duke -match
UPenn CAS (maybe early) -low reach/match
Yale -higher reach
Harvard -mid reach
Princeton -higher reach
Stanford REA <----What I care about most. -high reach
Rice-Baylor 7 year med -low reach/match
UChicago -match
JHU -don’t know</p>

<p>I’d say you’ll get into most, if not all the non-Ivies. Stanford is really hard, but since they take a lot of students from your school, you got a chance. Best of luck to you on that. You’ll probably get into UPenn out of all the Ivies, and at least one out of Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford. </p>

<p>Chance Back… <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks for the chance!</p>

<p>Wow, you put most of us to shame here haha. Great stuff; ECs, scores, its all there.</p>

<p>UCLA - in
UCB - match
USC - match
Duke - low reach
UPenn CAS (maybe early) - high match
Yale - low reach / reach
Harvard - reach
Princeton - low reach
Stanford REA - reach (its a reach for everyone)
Rice-Baylor 7 year med - ehhhh I’m not sure if you’re a lock since you don’t do much med stuff, but I’d say a match
UChicago -match
JHU - reach (the guy who got in there from my school was an international biology finalist and had been researching med for a while. but hey, you have a very very very high chance either way)</p>

<p>I wouldn’t commit to Penn ED given the fact that you’re likely to get in RD. Give yourself a shot at HYPS, unless you actually prefer Penn. You might be cashing in your chips too soon.</p>

<p>Congrats diplomonad1 and well done!</p>

<p>UCLA - low match
UCB - safety
USC - match
Duke - high match
UPenn CAS (maybe early) - high match
Yale - reach
Harvard - reach
Princeton - reach
Stanford REA <----What I care about most. - reach
Rice-Baylor 7 year med - reach
UChicago - match
JHU-match as long as your not going as a biomedical engineering major.</p>

<p>I think you have a great shot at all your non ivy schools, but for the ivies remember that it is always a crapshoot. Don’t fret though because you are an amazing candidate, and will definitely get into at least one.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! I think I’m going to apply to Rice alone, not the Baylor program. Let me know if any of you need to be chanced back :D</p>

<p>YSP? I had a few friends who went this summer, do you know someone named Helen (no last names haha)?
I think your commitment and extracurriculars are great, it seems like you’re focused on your research, it’d be a great essay topic. Try to pinpoint a significant experience that you can write about and expand on this experience to colleges, it will allow them to view you in a different light. You have the baseline stats of course, its all about selling yourself as a person with interests, talents and curiosities that colleges want as students and members of their society.
I recommend Harry Bauld’s Writing the College Application Essay as well as Acing the College Application (by Michele Hernandez) they’re staples in this field and really great, essay to read and follow!</p>

<p>This is my limited, humble opinion
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The Rice-Baylor program is highly selective. It only admits about 14 students per year and because of this I would consider it a reach for you.</p>

<p>Data from the class of 2010: “Last year, more than 1,500 Rice applicants expressed an interest in the Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program; 357 applicants were admitted and given the opportunity to compete for admission to the Medical Scholars Program. Forty of those students were selected as finalists and asked to interview with Baylor College of Medicine. After the interviews, 14 students were selected as Rice/Baylor Scholars”</p>

<p>I think you should add Brown to your list and also maybe Dartmouth, they’re both ivies with great pre-med advising etc. and would be high matches. Also I think you should apply EA to Stanford instead of ED to Penn since it seems like Stanford is your clear-cut first choice.</p>

<p>If you are ELC for the UC system you should definitely apply to UCSD and UCD-phenomenal med school/premed/science programs there
Also you need safeties.
However, you have a great chance at all of these schools-I am applying for premed in a few years, and I hope to have a resume like yours :)</p>