Chance me for UCB and UCSB? (OOS)

GPA: 4.0 UW, 5.042 W

Ethnicity & Gender: Asian / Female

Rank: 1 of 291

ACT: 34 (35 English, 34 Reading, 34 Science, 31 Math, 10 Writing)

SAT (new test): 1360 (not sending though)

AP classes I’ve taken so far: AP Lang (3), AP Euro (4), AP Enviro Sci (4), AP Lit (5), AP Calc AB (4). I am currently taking AP Stat, AP Bio, and AP Comp Sci Java

Major: Comp Sci (letters & sciences in Berkeley)

Sports: Swimming (varsity 11th grade)

-EAC (Environmental Action Committee)
-Marching Band (1st chair flute & squad leader)
-Wind Ensemble (1st chair flute, Wind Ensemble is basically what band would be like if it had an AP version kinda thing.)
-Concert Band (1st chair flute)
-Science Olympiad (placed 5th in the state for Experimental Design)
-Math League (went to state competition 9th grade, placed 2nd in division)
-National Honor Society (I have done 55.5 community service hours currently, and will have ~85.5 by the end of senior year.)
-Envirothon competition and placed 6th in the state for my subject area (Invasive Species). School team placed 11th in the state

Awards: Distinguished Student Athlete, AP Scholar with Distinction in 11th grade

Leadership Positions: Squad Leader in marching band

Volunteering: I volunteer at clean ups and my county’s Safety Town every summer and spring break.

Jobs: N/A

UC Berekely already asked for recommendation letters, if that helps… don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, though.

Unweighted GPA: 4.00
Weighted GPA: 4.56
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.56

The maximum Capped weighted UC GPA is 4.4. That said, you look like a very qualified and competitive applicant with very good chances at both schools.

Good Luck