UCF is one of my top choices, please let me know what my chances of getting in are!
High school GPA: 3.82 unweighted, 4.65 weighted
ACT: 29
Rank: Top 15%, 121/796
Intended major: Physics with minor/specialization in astronomy. I wrote my essay about my passion for physics and astronomy and my journey to deciding to study it.
Florida resident
Freshman year core classes:
- Geometry Honors
- Biology Honors
- English 1 Honors
Sophomore year core classes:
- Algebra 1 Honors
- Chemistry Honors
- English 2 Honors
- AP World History
Junior year core classes:
- Pre Calculus Honors
- AP United States History
- AP English Language
- Physics Honors
- Sociology (dual enrollment over the summer)
Intended senior year schedule:
(Full time dual enrollment at Valencia community college, Iām also taking a dual enrollment class with UF in the spring, and am thinking about applying for dual enrollment with UCF as well for the spring.)
- V DE Astronomy
- V DE College Algebra
- V DE Macro Economics
- V DE World Literature 1
- V DE Trig or DE Pre Calculus
- V DE United States Government
- V DE Earth Sciences (?)
- 1 more unknown V DE class
- UF DE Art Appreciation (?)
- Historian of astronomy club
- Co vice president of Make-A-Wish Club
- Member of National Honor Society
- Member of key club
- Cat rescue volunteer
- Orlando Science Center Volunteer
- Part time job
- Caring for siblings