<p>UC GPA: 3.95
1 honors junior year, 3 AP senior year. Sophomore year the only honors class I took wasn't weighted so I don't know if it counts
SAT reasoning: 1980 composite (720 CR 630 W 630 M)
SAT II: 630 USH 630 Lit
EC: ballet all my life. In high school I danced 11+ hours a week. It's my passion and I don't know what I would do without it
Private flute lessons with an instructor all through high school
In my high school's audition only band for two years (one of the best High school bands in California btw)
In all accepted band for one year
NO community service :( I really never had time with ballet and band consuming my life
Go to a very good high school and dad works at a UC (not where i'm applying though)</p>
<p>What are my chances, especially considering that I have no community service and very little AP/Honors courses</p>
<p>I think you have about 25% shot at each. Your GPA, SAT score and ballet are good enough for those schools, but the only concern would be the lack of a rigorous curriculum and the lack of community service. Your commitment to ballet and band is good, but without a leadership role to note, it sort of is what it is. You definitely have a shot, but how you stack up against everyone else, ESPECIALLY at a “very good high school” (where you might not be as remarkable or unique a student with your academics) … Not too sure. I’d say 25% chance at each school.</p>
<p>Thanks for the input 
So is community service a very important admissions factor?
I’ve heard some people say that it is mainly down to grades and SAT’s but I also hear lots about people getting rejected because of little to no community service…</p>
<p>I think it really depends on the school. Keep in mind that everything I say does need just a grain of salt – I am a Senior as well, in fact just a few minutes ago I was making final touches to the 5th draft of my UC essays :)</p>
<p>That being said, anyway, I do really think it depends on the school. I think number of hours gets weighted on forums like this way too much, you get those scores of people who say “What? You don’t have 400 hours? Have fun at community college” regardless of everything else you’ve done. Not sure what the motivation is for the atrocious fallacy… What you do with your hours matters more.</p>
<p>I think it is not VERY important, but it is rather important. It definitely won’t make or break you the same way low SATs or low GPA would. Those definitely come first and foremost. Behind GPA, then SATs, I’d say EC’s, awards, and volunteer/service follow, in that order. Awards can be above EC’s if the awards are particularly prestigious.</p>
<p>EVEN THEN… it still depends on the school! I know a girl who got into Stanford but got rejected from UCLA. Schools like Stanford tend to like high-GPA, high-score, people with one or two very exceptional or special talents or awards. Many of the UCs won’t mind taking a bit of a hit on the GPA or test scores by comparison if it means getting a more well-rounded student.</p>
<p>Like I said you aren’t in bad shape, but it would definitely be realistic to assume there is a good chance you will simply be outcompeted by kids with more AP/honors, more EC’s and far more volunteer work.</p>
<p>Wishing you luck, though :)</p>
<p>high to mid match for both</p>