Chance me for UCLA and UCB (updated)

I am currently a sophomore who lives in California
Economic Class: Upper Class

Intended Major: Something biology or chemistry related

Unweighted GPA-4.00
Weighted and Capped UC GPA- 4.38

Freshman Year
Summer Biology AA
Alg 2 w/ Trig AA
English AA
Chemistry Honors AA
Chinese 2 AA
Intro to Com Sci AA
Intro to Model UN/Geography A-/A
Frosh Basketball AA

Sophomore Year
Summer World History AA
English AA
Precalc AA
Chinese 3 AA
AP Com Sci Principles AA
AP Environmental Science AA
AP Chemistry AA
Basketball JV/Track and Field AA

Predicted Junior Classes
Chinese 4
AP Bio
AP Calc BC
English (Plan to self study AP Lang because my school does not offer it)
AP Physics C
Track and Field?

Predicted Senior Classes
Human Centered Design
AP Stats
AP Chinese
AP Computer Science A
Track and Field?/ Multivariable Calc at community college

Test Scores
SAT: 1530
Math 2: 780
Chemistry: 770

AP Scores
Chemistry: 5
Environmental Science: 5
Computer Science Principles: 5

Uncompensated Intern at Harbor UCLA Medical Center (8-10 hours a week) I plan to continue during the school year but with reduced hours
My City’s Mayor’s Youth Council
National Honors Society
Track and Field/Basketball
Volunteer Coach at YMCA
Boy Scout but not very active (Star Scout)

Thanks for reading!

You’re only a sophomore, so it’s pretty hard to chance you at such an early age.

I mean…I guess your profile looks okay, and you look like you will have a good shot in the future.

Not much we can say now since you are only 15-16…

Congrats on the straight A’s though!