Chance me for UCs (and give me other suggestions for other schools)

Demographics: Asian Indian Male, pretty competitive school but the least competitive out of my crazy school district

Intended major: Anything in Bio (maybe Bioinformatics) or CS

GPA: projected range UW (3.62-3.72)
W (4.12-4.32)

sophomore year went bad just because of family tensions

ACT: didn’t take

SAT I: 1460 (going to retake this its low) super score: 1490

SAT II: Going to be taking the Bio, Math II, and maybe English

-Freshman Year: H English, H Biology, AP HUG, H Alg 2, Spanish 2
-Sophomore Year: H Pre Calc, H Chem, H Brit Lit, World History, Spanish 3, Computer Graphics, Concert
Band (I transferred to a different school )
-Junior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Lang, AP Comp Sci, AP Bio, H Spanish 4, US History

  • Senior Year (next year): AP Stats, AP Gov, AP Lit, APES, AP Chem, maybe AP Macro
    APs: AP Hug (4), taking 4 this year

ECs: (clubs)

Youth Action Team: This a club which I am going to be the president for next year, but it doubles as being a City employee and I get all city benefits and acknowledgments

Smoothie Club: I was junior president and president next year for this club and it was supposed to be a joke, but we actually went all out with it and ended up being the largest club in our school and we held huge forms and raised over 2,000 dollars for proper nutrition.

Music For Cause: President (set pop up concerts for the benefit of charity)

Biology Club: this is next year, but I have been guaranteed a position and its based off if you are in the top 10 in test averages for AP Bio

Science Olympiad contestant: haven’t really done anything here tbh

Cubing Club: I was VP for this for one year wasn’t really anything

Scientastic: Secretary Teach Science in less fortunate schools but we didn’t do much we only taught at 3 schools

South Asian Student Club: Publicity representing the Indian culture and going to be president next year

I also do NHS, CSF, Red Cross, and somehow made it in the GirlUp club

(sports) Volleyball: Frosh Captain and MVP but stopped after one year after a bad injury Track: JV and Varsity I ranked in a few races in the state but they’re not good enough Soccer: 12 years of club and rec and now I coach a team

(other stuff)

No More Dates/ National Walkout: I think this one of my main ones, in which created a fundraiser for the victims of the Parkland families and ended up making over 1,000 dollars and its still going on, and I also led our schools walkout and was acknowledged by the school district as a leader for it

District Finalist for National History Day got a perfect score on our website my partner just didn’t show up to present so we got disqualified

Piano: 13 Years (Certificate of Merit Level: 8 out of 10, Bronze in a State Festival)

Volunteering: Over 200 hours with several different foundations (Libraries, Marathons, Soup Kitchens)

The spokesperson for the Relay for Life campaign against cancer

Principal’s Honor Roll all years

Future: I have been trying crazy for internships at UCI, and I got waitlisted in this program called MI3 which is like Choc and UCI together. I also applied for a biotech internship and a physical therapy shadowing so I’m crossing my fingers for that.

Could you chance me for all the UCs, and could you also recommend me to safety, target and reach schools out of state?

Based on the admission rates in #24 of that thread and your estimated UC weighted-capped GPA of 3.9-4.0, for admission only, your most realistic campuses are UCSC (probably match, or high match for CS), UCR (probably low match, or match for CS), and UCM (probably low match). The other UCs are likely to be at least high match or more difficult (low reach or more difficult for CS).

Have you run the net price calculator on all of them and talked to your parents about affordability?

oh when I wrote my weighted I meant my uc weight capped gpa @ucbalumnus

I haven’t talked to them about affordability, but could you tell me for a bio major I felt my application overall is better for rigged for Bio @ucbalumnus

As mentioned above, UCSC is probably a match, UCR and UCM are probably low matches, if you are not applying for CS or other capacity limited major (commonly engineering majors). The rest would be high match or more difficult.

Your UC weighted capped GPA is usually around 0.3 higher than your unweighted 10th-11th GPA in a-g courses.

You are a competitive applicant. Your stats and ECs are pretty good. Write great essays and you could get accepted to any of these schools