Chance me for UCs

I’m a rising senior looking to apply to ucb (letters&science), ucla (letters&science), ucsd, ucd, ucsb, uci, and ucsc. Would appreciate if you guys could chance me for those schools.

UC GPA: 3.79 unweighted, 4.36 fully weighted, 4.07 weighted and capped (slight upward trend, got a C and a B first semester junior year but got straight A’s the following semester)
Rank: 21 out of 563
SAT: 1540 (800 math, 740 english, might retake but probably not)
Subject tests: 800 in math 2, will take biology and physics in august (will probably get >750 or so)
AP: European history 3, biology 4, physics 4, english language 5, us history 5, calc ab 5, calc bc 5
Senior year classes: AP stats, AP english lit, AP psych, AP chem, jazz band, biotechnical engineering
Pretty good extracurriculars but nothing amazing: officer of a few clubs and started my own club, ~100 hours community service, work ~10 hours a week, 4 years of marching band, 4 years of jazz band (nationally acclaimed program), link crew, nhs, some other small things
In state, school has an api score of 10


You should be fine for any of the UCs. :slight_smile:

Your test scores are competitive. What is your intended major?

I think you look solid for UCSC.

Since UC’s are very GPA focused, UCD/UCSB and UCI could go either way 50/50 along with UCSD.

UCLA/UCB would be Low Reaches just due to their competitiveness.

I would add UCR as another Safety unless you are fine with UC Merced since you seem to be ELC eligible.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

I agree you are a hit and miss applicant for most of the UCs. UCSC, UCR and UCM will probably take you for most majors. I bet you get into 2 others… the hard part is knowing which 2. UCs are really finicky with people in your stat range. Each year, people get into UCLA that are rejected from UCI. Be sure to apply broadly - and there’s no reason not to apply to CP SLO and SDSU while you are at it.
Good luck

You should be able to get into UCSD and anything lower than that (UCD, UCI, etc). Majors always have an impact. If you apply with something like engineering, you may have a tougher time getting into UCLA or Berkeley. If you put something like physics/biology, you have a fair shot at UCLA and Berkeley. That C your junior year might make you waitlist potential but you never know.

Also for UCI, don’t apply with business lol. I made that mistake and didn’t get in! Since you’re choosing sciences it should be fair game.

Although GPA and test scores are important, remember you have to choose to write 4 out of 8 essays. Choose the ones that showcase your unique talents and write well. That will surely influence ADCOM decisions. The essays are out now, so take a look.
