Chance me for UCs!

Hi everyone,
Please chance me for UCs, and be brutally honest because I need it!
I applied to UCSD, UCI, UCD, and UCLA:
Majors: Psychology, Human Biology, Psychobiology, Human Development (for UCD)… these kinds of majors :stuck_out_tongue:

GPA: 3.89 unweighted 4.02 weighted

Freshman year: nothing, my school doesn’t offer for freshman
Sophomore year: AP World History and Psychology, but I took the AP Psychology test.
Junior year: APES, AP Calc AB, AP Lang
Senior year: AP Calc BC, AP Lit, AP Microeconomics, AP Biology

Sat: 1430, 14 essay (yes my essay score is veryyyyyy low…)
No SAT 2s… will this affect my chances at all? especially since I applied as a human biology major for UCSD.

ASB School Secretary Junior Year
ASB President Senior Year
Secretary for Community Service Club
Secretary for Chinese Dance Club, choreographed a dance for this year’s performance in the Fall.
Co-Founder of Raising Awareness Project (we basically present medical diseases to the school to educate students and well… raise awareness)
Poetry Out Loud School Champion 3 years, County Champion 2 years, moved to State Championships in junior year and made it to the final round
TA/Tutoring Biology in 11th and 12th grade
Helped cut vegetables and prepare lunch in the Main Kitchen for the monastic community (I live in a monastery)
Sang for temples, charity organizations (Vietnamese American Cancer Foundation, Japan Tsunami Disaster, etc etc), entertainment shows in my community… I’ve been singing for about 10 years
Head Usher for Community Events (Honoring Elders Day, Cherishing Youth Day) hosted by our school
Host of Karma Kitchen Event in our school

Certificate of Recognition from the California Legislature Assembly for being a 2017 Finalist in the Poetry Out Loud State Competition.
Certificate of Recognition from the California Senate, for being the Poetry Out Loud Mendocino County Champion.
Honor Roll given from school for overall academic excellence (10th, 11th)

Thank you for your time!

Should be safeties for you

@collegestress777: You are a new poster and hopefully OP is aware of that fact. UCLA is a safety for no one. Chancing threads are pretty useless, since no one can predict how admissions will make a decision. All you can offer is an educated guess based on stats and past acceptances. OP has a good chance at UCI and UCD. UCSD and UCLA can be tough so there are no guarantees.

@Gumbymom I am 99.9999999% sure UCLA is a safety school. UCLA puts a heavy focus on leadership and philanthropy and OP has definitely exemplified these traits. UCSD is much easier to get into than UCLA, and since none of these are engineering, easy. Your standardized test scores are on par.

UCLA - chance yes, safety no way.

I absolutely agree with @gumbymom. The UCs are NOT safeties unless you are talking Merced and Riverside.

My son got into UCLA.

His GPA, SAT, and sports/ECs got him in, in that order. He was a national merit winner and received certificates from the governor, mayor, etc. That’s just par for the course, when you are at that level. Did he attend? No, he picked another school that was tougher to gain admission.

The OP would have to compete with the other 100k student applicants who have an unweighted 4.0.

Chance threads are guesses based on previous admissions patterns. Anything bio related is impacted since everyone seems to believe that he/she is the next doctor.

No one knows what the adcoms will do. UCLA is not a safety for anyone unless you are Malala or an Obama.

You shouldn’t make blatant comments unless you are an admissions director.

OP, all you can do is apply and hope that you get into your schools.

This is purely based on UC GPA but you can see that UCLA is not a safety. A safety should be a guranteed acceptance.
UC GPA admit rate for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:
UCLA: 14%

If you want to look up the data quoted in the above post.

your GPA is soft for all the schools on your list. They all could happen but, at best UCI and UCD are a coin toss, the others are even less likely. Hopefully you applied more broadly than listed above.
good luck