I applied before the early action deadline (October 31st) and have yet to hear from the U, I applied to the CLA
I go to an extremely competitive high school, am in dual enrollment, honors, and AP Classes (took AP Bio freshman year and ended with an A- and got a 3 on the exam) but a few Pre-AP classes that I got a C or D in hurt my GPA (these were also when I was going through extenuating circumstances that I went in on in my essay). My grades are pretty good in my AP and Honors classes ( lowest I’ve gotten in an AP is a B-, and Honors a B)
I originally had a 3.48 when I applied to the U, but I bounced back senior year first tri this year and got a 3.95 W and 3.62 UW and brought it up to a 3.5
I’m also a Black Female ( Child of African Immigrants)/First gen college student, so there’s that
my stats are: 3.53 GPA and 27 ACT (33 English, 26 Reading, 25 Science, 24 Math)
extracurriculars: volunteer at hospitals all 4 years, been working at a hospital now as a Dietary Aide, 4 Years of Intermediate Band with a Solo Ensemble Contest award, 3 Years Red Cross Volunteer with recognition/awards, 2 Years in Speech ( Varsity) with awards and am an AP scholar
I also submitted 1 letter of rec from my AP World History teacher from soph year
It’s been taking a while for me to see any news, and like some other people have been saying, it is pretty discouraging not hearing back yet, I got accepted into all of the other UMN schools (except for Rochester, still waiting)
** Also am an in-state applicant
@jules - hard to say. The C or D definitely hurts your chances for an early admission, even with the other very positive factors, the diversity you would bring to the campus and the fact that you’ve successfully turned around your poor academic performance. You might get your counselor involved to send in a letter attesting to your current academic abilities. Also, did you specify a backup college at the Twin Cities campus just in case CLA is a reach, or would you attend one of the satellite campuses? You appear to have an interest in health sciences, given that you are applying to Rochester as well. (and your supporting EC and work experience). What are your longer term plans?
I listed only CLA on my application, thinking of calling them and listing CEHD as a backup because they also fit my interests. My long term plans are to go to medical school and the U is my first choice
I’m thinking of calling them and listing CEHD as a backup (I can also major in Kinesiology)
^ Good idea. That can increase your chances of getting admitted and not deferred. Make sure you have a good reason for the update to your application. You will also need to make sure CEHD provides you the resources for a pre-med track. CFANS definitely does: https://www.cfans.umn.edu/academics/majors-minors/pre-health-sciences
I submitted an updated transcript and I also had extenuating circumstances sophmore-junior year ( I moved and my family had to stay with relatives for a year) that I wrote my whole essay about. CLA has a Biology, Society and Environment major that fits in better with my interests and academics. They say they have holistic admissions so I hope that it can get me in CLA. I had high hopes because on Naviance my stats are in the green for my school and for Rochester my act score is above the average (about 25). Hope this works in my favor, I’ll update with any news 
Have you heard back anything yet? The deadline is the 31st. I applied on October 1st to the direct admit nursing program and got deferred this morning. It was just before I was going to send an updated transcript because like you I did really good first semester, but with the deferral it says not to send anything new. Good luck!
hey, I still am waiting to hear back, it could literally be any day now, but I’ll update you!
Has your status changed to “carefully considering”?
no, it’s just saying what it has been saying since I applied. I really hope its not a defferal
Mine changed they day before I got the deferral. Also another friend who applied I the engineering got deferred.
@jules7899999 have you heard anything? I still have the same message. Not sure why people are getting responses in the afternoon. I heard it was midnight.
No still not yet
I’m hopeful but again its so discouraging
I just got the “Your application is being carefully considered” expecting a decision soon, but how long has it took to receive it after this message?
@juless7899999 there should be something on the tracker by midnight, and if you have been admitted to one of your choices it should appear in the communication center by about 9:30 or so (all central time).
Alright thanks!, and hope its good news
Thanks for all the insight @JBStillFlying!
@momofd19d20 I hope you guys get good news!
my application changed to : Your application is being very carefully considered. All of your required application materials have been received by the Office of Admissions and your application is being very carefully considered. Decisions are made based on a holistic review of each individual application, and will be sent to students on a rolling basis. Our decision timeline information is available here.
@juless7899999 You should be receiving an update soon.