<p>I live in Austin and I want to go to UT. Chance me please. </p>
<p>Rank: My High School does not rank except for the top 10% and the cutoff is a GPA of 103.74/120 ( it is a good high school though)
SAT: 1370/1990 (CR: 680 M: 690 W: 620)
ACT: C: 31 (E:32 M:33 R:33 S:27)
GPA: UW 3.8 W 101/120 (Not sure how to convert this to 4.0)
EC: 4 years of varsity CC, 2 years of JV Track, Life Scout, AP Scholar with Distinction, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, probably some others but I can't think of them</p>
<p>Haha. Sounds like you are from Westlake or Westwood.
Try really hard on your essays but your ACT score is really good and you are taking a lot of APs.</p>
<p>Just to clarify, the magic number for fall 2012 admission is 9%.</p>
<p>Your guidance counselor will be able to give you the best idea of your chances based on historical admissions from your school, with which UT will be well-familiar. Your stats look strong; it really does come down to your subjective input via essays and prose short answers. </p>
<p>In my opinion, your application strategy was ideal in two ways: sometimes, the early bird really does get the worm, and you ordered your major selection reach-match instead of reach-reach. They try hard to place you in your first choice; if you are “this close” but don’t make it, they are motivated to try to make your second choice work.</p>