Chance me for UW!

Applied to Engineering: Biomedical
GPA: 3.77 UW / 4.31 W (Rigorous curriculum all four years, always took all honors everything, general upward trend over all years. I struggled a bit with freshman year…)
ACT: C 33/ E 36 / M 30 / R 33 / S 34
SAT II: Math 2 740 / Bio M 700

ECs: Orchestra (First Viola for three years, District Honor orch for one, have taught violin tutoring for two), iGEM (Research project based around CRISPR gene editing conducted over the summer and fall of this year, also founded school’s bioclub), Scholar’s Bowl (Varsity member for two years, currently 6-0 for tournaments and events and won our last tournament undefeated all eight rounds), I also write books and am self-published, am an Eagle Scout, and play JV tennis.

National Merit Commended/ AP Scholar with Honors (Here’s to tier 2 in everything lol)
Other honors include some state wins for orchestra and some regional wins for scholar’s bowl.

When I submitted, I thought my essays were drop-dead knockouts; although the Stanford rejection today really shook my essay self-confidence, I’m still gonna say that they’re 9.5/10. Although I did have a typo in the first sentence of my second one. Hope that doesn’t kill me.

Anyway, yeah. Thanks for reading that haha.

Looks good.