Chance me for VT Dietetics Program

<p>I really want to attend VA Teach because they have an amazing Dietetics Program and I'm looking to become a Registered dietitian. Unfortunately, I did not do so well my freshmen and sophomore year. I found out junior year that I had been suffering from an undiagnosed case of ADHD and began taking medicine the beginning of my senior year. Since then I have maintained all As in all AP classes. My transcript shows an uphill trend and my personal statements are perfectly written and explain my struggle with ADHD. I have a 2.9 gpa and a 1700/1130 on my SATs. I also have recommendations from my AP Biology teacher and my food council club sponsor ( that I'm vice president of) who is a registered dietitian and graduated from VA Tech's Dietetics Program and agreed to make the letter very good and personal. I also have good extracurriculars such as being 1st chair violin for 4 years at my school, Key club. Food counsel club (vice pres), PETA, and I'm on my city's nutrition committee....that's not all though. With all the AP classes I'm taking this year, my guidance counselor said that I will graduate with around a 3.4-3.6 gpa. I'm literally doing everything in my power to get them to see that I'm not the student that my freshmen and sophomore grades paint me out to be. Do you think that I can get in?</p>

<p>I’m sure I can’t offer much insight, but I’ll take a shot seeing as no one else has yet :). I’m a grad student here now, and I also got my undergrad here. Honestly, your SATs and GPA aren’t that great. I think VTs avg. scores for freshman are around 1200-1250 and the GPA is around a 4.0. Buuut, I think you might have a case. I think they surely will consider your last couple years for the GPA as opposed to freshman and sophomore year. Tech seems pretty understanding in that regard. Anyone in your family come here? That seems to help too. I wish the best of luck to you and if you don’t get in for the Fall 2013 semester you shouldn’t give up if you really wanna come here. I know a crap ton of transfers from community colleges. Tech takes a lot of community college transfers. OR you can always go to another university for a year and then transfer.</p>

<p>Thank you for the advice. I was accepted into Radford and GMU. Which college do you think I would have a better chance of admission to VT being a transfer. Radford has the dietetics program I need but GMU is just a better school than radford overall…</p>

<p>I wish I could answer that…I really don’t know. I wouldn’t think it would matter which school you start at. As long as you do well you could probably transfer after a year. You should probably just call the office of admissions and get their advice. You’ll probably have to do some digging as you may not get a straight forward answer. I would guess that there is a person in the admissions office who deals with transfer students. Kind of a vague answer, but the best i got!</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>