What are my chances???

<p>Hello everyone,
I'm a rising senior in Virginia. I wanted to know my chances of getting into Virginia Tech Early Decision. </p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.75(Weighted)
ACT: 27
A lot of honors classes.
Will have 11 AP's by end of High school
780 Math Level 2 SAT2
750 Biology SAT2</p>

<p>More than 250 hours of community serivce.
Intership at a local hospital.
Worked for blood drives and libraries.
Volunteered as an Emergency Medical Technician.</p>

<p>National Honor Society
Math Honor Scoiety
Science Honor Society
History Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society</p>

<p>A number of other clubs.
Vice-President of Aerospace club.
President of Chess club.
Key Club
Redcross Club
Science Club
Southasian Student Association
Political Action Club
Varsity Math Team
Envirnomental Club
Participated in American Math contest
Attended a lot of Science Seminars
More clubs i can't think of now.</p>

<p>3rd place at Virginia State Science fair.
Honor roll all quarters in HS.
Volunteer Award from President.
Track and field for 3 years.
Already have 2 Letters or Reccomendation and one from counselor.</p>

<p>Please give any suggestions and give me your opinion on my chances.</p>

<p>Thank You</p>

<p>3.75 Weighted with 11 APs? That seems really low even on a 4.5 scale, basically it means you avg @83 in every class. Your ACT is also low compared to your SAT 2 scores.</p>

<p>Have you taken the SAT? Maybe you would do better.</p>

<p>A couple of things have to be answered before you get a better chance answer. One what is your major? Where in VA, NoVA is known to be incredibly competitive.</p>

<p>SAT 2’s i did good because, its only math and bio. I really don’t do good in english. Even in ACt i have a higher math and science sub-scores. I have only come to united states 4 years ago. i’m intending to major in biology and pre-med. would my chances be any better? thanks for ur reply</p>

<p>yes i’m from NoVA</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>I think you have an excellent chance because of your circumstances.</p>

<p>thank you. </p>

<p>any others?</p>

<p>I think you have a great chance of getting accepted</p>

<p>This is a ridiculous thread. In no way do you have an “excellent” or even a “great” chance of getting accepted. You have a chance and you’re right there, but it’s more of a slight reach unless you can raise your standardized testing score; definitely not locked as is being portrayed.</p>

<p>i think they meant in terms of me coming here only 4 years ago and being a first generation student.</p>

<p>I think you’ll get in…I think the first generation thing will really help you out, plus your stats are pretty good</p>


<p>So I’m applying for early decision to VT and I’m trying to figure out what my chances are…I honestly don’t think I’ll get in but it’s worth a shot
So my GPA is around a 3.8, which isn’t very good

<p>Couple points of note that you said:

  1. You are an applicant.
  2. You don’t know what your chances are.
  3. You don’t think you’ll get in with your stats.
  4. A 3.8 GPA is not very good.</p>


<p>I think you’ll get in…I think the first generation thing will really help you out, plus your stats are pretty good</p>

<p>And now, points of note:

  1. You now happen to know chances for his situation.
  2. A 3.75 > 3.8, and all of a sudden a 3.75 & 27 ACT is very good.</p>

<p>This is why you should all just perform thorough research and locate where you stand yourself:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1005069-posting-chances-thread-click-here-first.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1005069-posting-chances-thread-click-here-first.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>I don’t know where in NoVA you are from, but I can tell you as a parent of a VT student from NoVA a wgpa of 3.75 with a 27 is not a def in.</p>

<p>The next question is, you state you only immigrated 4 yrs ago. Where from? The UK? It isn’t going to help you. Russia, and yes you have an edge. An ESL student yes, but I highly doubt that the HS believes you are an ESL student if you will have 11 APs…take every Math and Science AP and you are still not at 11, that means you are in APs like USH or Engl.</p>

<p>Now, take that info and the 3.75 w, plus the NoVA system…which is a 10 pt scale, with a 4.5 or 5.0 depending on Fairfax or PW and that wgpa is very low for NoVa. This does not bid well for you.</p>

<p>Add into the ACT composite score and you are not sitting pretty. </p>

<p>I know several NoVA parents in different hs, and each have said the same thing, 4.0 wgpa + and an SAT over 1300 is a must. Our DD is in Sociology and applied ED, she was deferred to RD because they wanted to see 1st semester grades. She was within those parameters and in a major that is not deemed to be competitive.</p>

<p>VATECH is a stats oriented school. You need to explain why your wgpa is so low compared to your SAT. What they are going to see if you don’t explain it is that you have the brains, but not the academic drive.</p>

<p>College, even Bio or Pre-Med is going to require you to take classes where you write papers. You can’t go in thinking all I am going to do is Math and Science. You need to calm their fear that as a new immigrant to this country language was a barrier from an academic standpoint. You need to use that essay wisely.</p>

<p>I have said this multiple times, in VA there is an adage…VT is easy to get into, but hard to stay, UVA is hard to get into, but easy to stay.</p>

<p>I think you will get in, but let me be bold and say, it will not be because of your stats, it will be because you immigrated 4 yrs ago. It will be up to you to understand that getting in and staying in are two different things. Profs., will have no pity for you because of the language barrier. If the language is an issue, do yourself a favor and start asking for assistance from your English teacher now. Use this yr to ride yourself hard from a grammatical standpoint. If you don’t and you get into VT you will pay the price academically next yr.</p>



just relax a little bit… I think most of the time people post on here it’s more of a confidence thing than anything else because nobody on here can tell you for sure if you will get in or not. If a person has a 3.75 GPA which is just a little bit below average, there’s no reason to think that they definitely wouldn’t get in. No need to break someone’s spirit that is a borderline candidate. I do think he will get in though</p>

<p>thank you very much bulletandpima for ur response. I’m from faifax and the proof is that i have taken ESOL classes even in my 9th grade. I’ll try on explaingin that in my personal statement. I don’t say i can’t write english well or speak, but a little slow than the native speakers.
EngineerHead: I think ur just looking at gpa and sat scores and nothing else and judging people. ur just cutting off people by saying oh that gpa is too low. there are students with 3.6 and 1190 who got in to vtech from my school.</p>

<p>Back up your words, VTLupe (including your erroneous “chance” of Royalman’s situation):</p>

<p>In no way do you have an “excellent” or even a “great” chance of getting accepted. You have a chance and you’re right there</p>

<p>It says what it says:

  • You definitely do not have an excellent chance.
  • Stepping down a notch, you don’t really have a “great” chance, either. Both of these are very misleading, I am just being blunt so that you know the truth.
  • You simply have a chance and that chance is right there, right on the line.</p>

<p>Where in there am I “cutting off people.” <– And in saying this does not mean I would not cut people off. If it’s clear cut obvious someone has no chance, I’m not going to mislead him on like you guys would. Who do you think is realistically being more helpful and constructive - you the one providing FALSE hope (i.e. lies) or me who is cutting him off so he can move on and find an alternative quickly now rather than later?</p>

<p>And @Royalman, I look at GPA & SAT scores and nothing else because that is what VT does. Join me on the Pre-Med forums and it’s a total different story. Stats are only the FIRST step for medical schools. VT - they’re the ONLY step, essentially. Read my posts with the right mindset and you’ll notice they’re very constructive & informative.</p>

<p>@VTLupe, why did you skip over what I pointed out? You are obviously in no position to speak considering you yourself said that your 3.8 is not good YET you then jump at Royalman and say that his 3.75 is pretty good… ??? I don’t get that at all.</p>

<p>The reason I think that his 3.75 is better than my 3.8 is because obviously he is in a tougher situation than I am. He only moved to the US a few years ago, while I have lived here my whole life. I’m really not trying to pick a fight here, sorry if I offended you. I responded in the first place because he wanted me to “chance him back” (which is a little out of the ordinary since I don’t have a great idea of how good his chances really are). Really, I understand where you’re coming from, but there’s no need to pick a fight.</p>

<p>I in no way deem this a fight, not even close. It grew tense when you called something out but were actually wrong, however not a fight. If I’m picking a fight then President Obama must be one angry man. Or maybe his opponents enter with the right mindset?</p>

<p>Read my posts with the right mindset</p>

<p>You have the wrong mindset.</p>

<p>Fairfax is incredibly competitive, actually if I had to say statistically 10 times harder than PWC right next door. </p>

<p>Here is the reason why. Most Fairfax schools are nationally ranked in the top 100 in the nation by USNWR, Time and Newsweek. If you are attending one of those schools, you are competing against kids with much higher gpas. TJJHS is the number 1 in the nation and has been for yrs. VT is their safety. </p>

<p>To me you have one thing going for you and one against you. I would have to say, it is really which one they place more weight on in determining your admission.</p>

<p>Being in Fairfax hurts you big time. That is just a fact.
Being here 4 yrs helps you.</p>

<p>Now here is the twist…where are you from. Being Asian is not a URM at VT. Being Hispanic is. </p>

<p>Tech wants diversity and that includes geographic location, plus your ethnicity. The 4 yrs of just entering the country does help, but again VT not only wants the best applicants, they want ones that will graduate. If they are looking at a 3.75 wgpa with 11 APs on a 5.0 scale, plus a 10 pt grading scale it does not look good. It looks like you did take the hardest courses, but you are squeaking by.</p>

<p>The one thing you have not placed into the equation is your rank. I would assume, with that wgpa, you are in the top 50%. That tells VT another part of the equation.</p>

<p>VT is stat driven…let’s all be honest about that fact. If it was not that way, they would request more than 1 essay.</p>

<p>Again you have 100% of not getting in if you don’t apply. Yr after yr people ask for chances, some are told YEAH YOU ARE IN, only to get a thin envelope, while poster remain shocked over their rejection. Then, there are the opposite, NO WAY, and they get a BFE.</p>

<p>Here is last yrs acceptance thread
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/869972-official-decisions-thread-2010-a-10.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/869972-official-decisions-thread-2010-a-10.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Pay attention to NoVA acceptances to see how you stack up.
Remember, VT had a banner yr in apps, they had over 30K apps for their 4K spots. I believe not one student was taken off the waitlist.</p>

<p>What are your other schools you are applying to?</p>

<p>By mid summer VT had not touched their wait list. There is no indication that they did. They were overenrolled for this years class, 2014. This leads one to believe that admission standards may even be slightly tighter during this admissions cycle.</p>

<p>To note to the OP: VT does not require SAT subject tests. I’m not sure they will be taken into consideration. I’m sure someone will correct me here if sending them have an impact.</p>