Could I get in with a low SAT?

<p>I have, well I'd say a decent GPA and a horrible SAT score. Do you think I could get into VT with the following stats? I know that most schools look at extracurricular activities but I know VT doesn't so I guess only GPA/SAT matters =|</p>

Instate - SoVa
Magnet School – Medical Academy
Unweighted GPA – 3.777
Weighted GPA – 4.156
Rank 10/420 – Top 2.4% of class
Asian – Male
Hopefully get in as a bio major.
SAT – 590CR/640M/540W - 1770 Total =&lt;/p>

<p>Courses Taken:
(* = AP/Weighted Classes)</p>

<p>12th – (My senior year schedule)
AP Calculus BC*
AP Government*
AP Physics*
HSA Pathophysiology II*
Medical Research/Scientific Research and Writing
HSA Honors English 12
Spanish 5</p>

<p>11th –
AP Chemistry – B*
AP US History – A*
AP Psychology – A*
HSA Pathophysiology I – A*
Microbiology/Hereditary Medicine – A<em>/A</em>
Math Analysis – A
HSA Honors English 11 – B
Spanish 4 – A</p>

<p>10th –
AP Biology – A*
AP European History – A*
HSA Anatomy – A*
Medical Illustrations/Anatomical Architecture - A/A
HSA Honors English 10 – A
HSA Chemistry – A
HSA Algebra 2/Trig – B
Spanish 3 – A</p>

<p>9th –
HSA Honors English 9 – B
HSA Geometry – A
HSA World History – A
HSA Biology – A
HSA Health Occupations – A
Spanish 2 – A
PE/Health 9 – A</p>

<p>Extracurricular/School Activities:
National Honors Society – Treasurer – 10th, 11th
Medical Honors Society – 10th, 11th
Science Club – Founder/Vice President – 10th, 11th
Soccer – Captain during 10th grade – 9th, 10th
Athletic Trainer – 10th, 11th
Environmental Club – 10th, 11th
Chess Club – 10th, 11th
Future Business Leaders of America – 10th, 11th
Interact Club – 10th, 11th</p>

Principals List – 9th, 10th, 11th
Honor Roll – 9th, 10th, 11th
Excellence in Academics and Athletics – 9th, 10th, 11th
Perfect Attendance – 9th
Many nominations</p>

<p>Community Service:
300+ hours of athletic training, aiding injured athletes
30+ hours of doing work for National Honors Society
20+ hours of doing work for Medical Honors Society
30+ hours of doing work for Science Club
30+ hours of peer tutoring classmates in Chemistry, English, and Algebra 2/Trig
30+ hours Environmental Club, helping pick up garbage and promoting awareness
20+ hours of Health Sciences Academy open house night preparation and presentation
40+ hours of random volunteering done
Total = 500+ hours</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>You’re in. If you have time though, go ahead and retake your SAT. It won’t hurt you. They take the best scores from each SECTION; keep that in mind.</p>

<p>Also, careful with jumping straight from Math Analysis to Calc BC. I’d recommend getting a calc book this summer and start learning the basics. You will be learning A LOT of material next year, and Calc BC will consume A LOT of your time.</p>

<p>Take the ACT too. Some people are just better at one.</p>

<p>KSMJCKIWI, why would you say I’m in?</p>

<p>Oh and I found math analysis (basically precalc) to be really easy. Easier than Algebra2/trig so my teacher put me in Calc BC for next year. She said it was the same as Calc AB but just at the end, there’s more work.</p>

<p>Your class rank is awesome. Your SAT’s are 1240; I believe the average for VT is 1250 this year. So your class rank more than makes up for those 10 points. Your GPA is about average, if not better than the average, for VT. Extracurriculars and Community Service is phenomenal. I’m 95% sure you’re in. If you want to be 100% certain, RETAKE your SAT/ACT and apply early decision/action.</p>

<p>And as far as Calc BC… Just be prepared to work your ass off! It’s a good move if you’re looking for college credit. You’ll be exempt from Calc I and Calc II at VT if you score a 4 on the BC AP exam and I think you need a 5 for the AB subscore (not certain). This will save you A LOT of time in college. You go straight to multivariable calc and differential equations. So I’d recommend working most on Calculus next year, shooting for a 4 or 5, especially if you’re going into engineering or any other math-related field.</p>

<p>I took AP Calc AB as a junior. Did pretty well in the class and got a 4. It was challenging, but I was such a slacker and never, EVER did any homework. Last year, I took AP Calc BC online. It was a wake up call. I had to do every piece of homework for every lesson to get credit, and the course material was still fairly difficult, despite the first semester being mostly a review of Calc AB. However, I felt confident on the AP exam, and am currently waiting for my scores. Just be prepared to study hard for this class.</p>

<p>I’m planning on taking the ACT in September and the SAT in October and hopefully it’ll go up! </p>

<p>I’m going to be a bio major and I’ll be doing a premed track for medical school so I think I’ll be required to take calculus 1 and 2 to meet the requirements, since most medical schools don’t take AP credits. </p>

<p>Do you go to VT? If you do, do you know how the biology/premed program is over there?</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help.</p>

<p>I’ll be a freshman next year. Majoring in engineering at the moment. I’m looking at Aerospace/Ocean and/or Biomedical.</p>

<p>Just don’t leave any sort of lingering doubt about about ANYTHING when applying to college. Study more of the CR section and retake the SAT. I think a 1300 (M+CR) is in your reach if this was your first time taking the exam</p>

<p>One thing to keep in mind… VT didn’t touch their wait list this year. I don’t know if they formally announced if was closed, but as of yet it no movement. To be honest, I find the reported numbers low based on what we see out of our students. Granted we are closer to NoVa, and competitive hs, yada, yada, etc. Every year you see someone turned down and you shake your head thinking ‘what the heck?!’.</p>

<p>You want to make sure you put forth the strongest application possible. Your GPA and rank are excellent. VT doesn’t consider rank. If you look at VTs common data set, numbers still rule. GPA and SATs rule. That’s their reporting data.</p>

<p>On a scale of 1-4 (1 being highly important), rigor of study, GPA, & SAT/ACT were rated #1’s. Nothing was noted #2’s (very important). Among #4’s (not considered) were class rank and essay. The #3’s (somewhat important) was everything else…EC’s, LORs, etc. </p>

<p>Your biggest bang for your buck here is to spend the hours you would have been volunteering preparing to take the SAT in October. Focus on the primarily on CR. VT superscores. A 50pt jump in CR is very reasonable and would put you within a much more competitive range. On the W, simply review what is required. It doesn’t have to be a work of literary genius, it has to be technically correct with a certain number of concrete details, etc. Many students increase their score simply by being aware of what the basic requirements are. You are certainly a competitive candidate, but with reasonable time spent preparing you can make yourself an even better candidate. It is obviously important to you.</p>

<p>Correct. Class rank is not used for admissions, but I do know when I applied, the standard form that my high school guidance counselor did ask for class rank, “if you rank.” It’s still the best (although still imperfect) way of assessing the current students at VT, IMO.</p>

<p>I would not disagree that it is a good way to get a picture of the admitted students each year. I was simply pointing out that it is not a factor in admissions…or at least that’s what the CDS tells us.<br>
I stand by my recommendation, as I believe you had the same, to take the test again and try to bring up the CR.</p>

<p>Sorry if this sounds stupid, but is the writing SAT section not considered for admissions?</p>

<p>I don’t know the extent to which it is considered, however for a school that is known for ‘Just the stats please’, I would think it is factored in somewhere. Call admissions and ask. I do know that other top schools in VA have said 'If we have it, it is considered.". This is not just in reference to the writing portion of the SAT, but every last bit of information provided. It ALL counts, so put your best foot forward.</p>

<p>Any other thoughts?</p>
