Chance me for VT Engineering

In state (central VA)
will be applying to General Engineering
GPA: 4.16
SAT: 1250 (670 on math)
Classes: most rigorous offered at school (includes ap physics, ap chemistry, ap biology, ap computer science, ap calculus, ap statistics, more aps in other subjects)
decent extracurriculars

You are in the meaty part of the average accepted student according to VT, so your chances are pretty good.

@Hokie_gl32 Thank you for your response. I know my GPA is average for the College of Engineering, but I wasn’t sure about my SAT score because there are so many different statistics online. All of these numbers seem to be different. What do you think of my SAT score? I got a 580 on the English portion and a 670 on the Math.

Would anyone else like to share their opinion? I would really appreciate it.

I think if you have your heart set on it and want to be more competitive, you should take the SAT one more time if possible and study hard to increase your scores in both sections. You have good high school courses that provide a great foundation, but I think your SAT score is a little low. I’d shoot for a 700 or better on the math and a 600 or better on the English.

@LeastComplicated I have taken the SAT multiple times and I feel like I have done the best I can. I do not think I can increase it more than what I have right now. What about the ACT? What should I aim for?

bump… any other opinions?


If VT follows their pattern of the past several years, they will accept fewer freshman next year and use the wait list to fill out their class if necessary. In that scenario I’d guess you to be a WL candidate and it’s difficult to say if you’d get in from there. Would definitely have a solid Plan B in mind. Think we’ll have a little better idea on chance questions after the stats for this freshman class are posted, which should be in a couple months. In addition to the usual GPA, SAT breakdowns, I’m looking to see the size of the CoE class (how many of these “extra” 700+ students are in engineering) and are they still admitting almost 50% of the CoE class from OOS. That data will help guesstimate answers to questions like yours. Good luck with your senior year1

@JustGraduate Where can I find the stats for last year class (2020)?

From what I’m getting right now is that I have an average gpa, above average course rigor, and under average SAT. Plus I am first generation which I think can help. I will have taken AP Physics, AP Chemistry, and AP Calculus BC which I see that they are looking for.

If I send in my ACT scores, I heard they only look at the English and the Math score. Is this true? If so, what kind of scores are they looking for?

@LW3346 It’s hard to get into VA Tech Engineering in-state. When S applied last fall, he had a 4.22 GPA and 1430 SAT (730 RW, 700 M) and did not get in. He took all the IB classes (physics, chem, math, etc.) and was a National Commended Scholar (just missed NMS status). Later in the spring, VA Tech offered him admission to Engineering if he satisfactorily completed a summer course at VA Tech (total cost around $2500, plus housing, etc.). By that time, he already accepted going to UCF on scholarship and in the Honors College. He loves it there in Florida, though I’m sure he likewise would have loved VA Tech Engineering. The percentage of OOS applicants that VA Tech takes in to the Engineering School (around 50%) makes admission for VA residents really tough.

One tip to help admission chances – do all the essays on the application and do a bang-up job on each one. S didn’t do all the essays and didn’t spend that much time on the one he did, which may have hindered his chances on admission.

All the best to you – hope you get in!

@VABogart Thank you. I feel like my transcript probably looks similar to your son’s, except for the SAT score. My schedule is full of APs and Dual Enrollment classes. You stated that 50% of students in the engineering program are OOS students. I saw the stats on this link and if you calculate the percentage of the students accepted into the Engineering program, it ranges from 72-75% for the last three years available. What makes the admissions so difficult? I see that all the SAT scores are high, but is it not possible to make up for it by taking harder classes in school?

Closing thread. The OP created another account to ask this question, in violation of Terms of Service.