Chance me for VT

I just wanted to figure out my chance at vt.
im currently attending at NVCC and applying for fall 09 at VT
Major applying for: landscape architect
GPA: 3.0
credit completed: 18 and 12 more credits to go for spring semester.

<p>I am not sure how those applying as a VCC transfer fare, but admissions to CAUS (College of Architecture and Urban Studies) at VT is pretty tough. Maybe they will give your transfer GPA a better look; but honestly I don't think you would be admitted to that program with a 3.0 if you were applying as a regular freshman applicant. </p>

<p>It is a 5 yr program and the course load is pretty set in stone for all of the semesters. I would check into seeing just how many of your credits transfer. Hopefully if you were admitted you could transfer some of the core requirements (English, History, etc.), but I would suggest an email or call to the school want to see just how many more years you would need to fulfill all of the architecture requirements- there are a lot! Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the specific info..
one more thing to ask... would they look at my spring semester grade as well?
because im aiming about 3.4 by the time i finish my spring semester ..

<p>That's good for a transfer. Of course the credentials are different for regular freshman admission. a 3.0 GPA is good for a college transfer.</p>