Transferring to CAUS

<p>I posted this on the transfer forums but didn't get any response, so I'm hoping posting it here will give me one.</p>

<p>High school GPA - 3.7, placed top 10% of class.</p>

<p>I currently attend a Tier 2, flagship state university and am a student in their Honors program. My current GPA is a 3.857 with 27 credit hours under my belt. Next semester, I am going to take three architecture classes. I want to transfer to VA Tech's CAUS for Fall '12. I'm out-of-state, female, asian. What are my chances of getting in? I've read that VA Tech's CAUS is harder to get into than the rest of school and considering I'm out-of-state, well... </p>

<p>Well, here's the breakdown (not all my classes, just ones I think are relevant):
Fall '09 (dual enrollment)
Chemw/L B+
Biology for nonmajors A+
Bio Lab A
Human Anat A
Human AnatL A+</p>

<p>Fall '11
Intro to Art History A+
Intermediate Algebra CR
English 101 A
Spanish 102 A+
Public Speaking (grade to be posted)</p>

<p>Spring '12 (all classes below I will take as a letter grade)
College Algebra
Expository Writing
Design Fundamentals</p>

<p>Also, I placed out of my school's two intro freshmen english. I took the first freshman english because I wanted to take a studio class (the two classes were a "bundle", you had to take english 101 regardless). Next semester, I'm taking a 200-level english and skipping the second freshman english. Should I explain this to admissions?</p>

<p>arktect, I copied and pasted the guidelines for transferring into CAUS from another university.</p>

<p>[VT</a> · school of architecture + design · a+d · transfer students](<a href=“Admissions | College of Architecture, Arts, and Design | Virginia Tech”>Admissions | College of Architecture, Arts, and Design | Virginia Tech)</p>

<p>If you wanted to start in Fall '12, the way I interpret it is you would need to take both of the summer design classes beginning this coming June. Afterward, if your progress qualifies you to be admitted into the arch program at the end of the second session, you would go from there. </p>

<p>From what I have heard, if accepted in, most transfers are placed as first year CAUS students (which means you will need to complete 5 years to obtain your B. Arch degree). After the holidays, I would call the admissions offices of both VT and the CAUS and explain what I wanted to do just to make sure. </p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Thanks for this additional info! I remember reading this a while back when I first gained interest in VT but totally forgot about it so thank you.</p>

<p>What do you think is my chance of getting in?</p>

<p>Your chances of getting to take the summer classes or your chances of them then allowing you to actually start at CAUS? Don’t know about the first one, but the second is far from a sure thing, and will depend on how well you do.</p>

<p>Oh sorry, I meant getting admitted as an “external transfer” so I can then take the summer design lab.
Thanks for your input.</p>