Chances at Admission

<p>Going for architecture school.</p>

Eagle Scout
Youth Advisory Board Member
Beta Club
Student Council Class Treasurer
Varsity Cross Country- 3 years Region All-Academic XC
Varsity Tennis- 2 years
28 ACT: 28 English, 28 Math, 26 Reading, 31 Science
Tons of Community Service
Photography Contest Winner (Multiple Times)
Out of State
4.65 GPA (Weighed)
12/217 Class Rank
All Honors and AP Classes (APUSH, AP Physics, AP Art, AP Literature)
Palmetto Boy's State Attendee</p>

<p>Based on your experience with CAUS at VT, what do you think?</p>

<p>Please include your connection with Tech too.</p>

<p>VT Grad. You either get in or get to be one of the horror stories of how admissions makes no sense.</p>

<p>Yes I agree-sounds like you have an excellent chance.
My son was accepted to CAUS ED with stats not quite as high as yours. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for your input :). </p>

<p>VT Grad, what did you major in a VT?</p>

<p>LynnVB, is your son in-state or OOS? Would you mind sharing what he was accepted into i.e. Architecture, industrial design and etc.?</p>

<p>My son in instate and applied to the Industrial Design program.</p>

<p>I was Materials Science Engineering.</p>

<p>The only part of your stats that may hinder you is your ACT score, but I don’t think it will considering your great GPA and class rank. I read somewhere a while back that the average SAT for incoming architecture freshmen is 1300 and I think your 28 equates to about a 1240 or so? Really the EC’s at VT aren’t measured much; VT is much more numbers driven. Good luck on your admittance! You may want to start “frontloading your sleep” once you find out you are in…it is quite an intense 5 years! :)</p>

<p>When I went to the Open House last year at VT, the Dean of CAUS told me that they look for a 28 as a competitive score. I’m worried about the chances at architecture school in general, but I got into Clemson which I love circa this weekend. Also, the out of state at VT sucks, so I would need to find an outset for that expense. So who knows, see what March holds. </p>

<p>Btw, how are you connect to CAUS and/or VT, KandKsmom?</p>

<p>artek, that’s good info/news from the Dean on the ACT score for everyone to know and for you in particular! :slight_smile: Clemson is a wonderful school that has a terrific arch program as well. (plus it is A LOT warmer in SC if weather is a factor for you!) </p>

<p>We looked at both schools a few years back (to answer your other question, I have a son in CAUS at VT). Clemson was OOS for us and at that time was undergoing a transitionary period with their department chair/program curriculum. Back then we also felt the studio facilities were far superior at VT, but I think Clemson has put more emphasis/$ on that in the years since. You can’t go wrong with either school really. Does Clemson still offer the 4 yr BS in Arch or did they go another route? I don’t know what your financial situation is, but don’t look for a lot of merit money from VT; as a state school it just isn’t there. Personally, even though we absolutely love VT, I wouldn’t advise my kids to go into debt to go to there if I had IS tuition and an admittance into the arch program at Clemson in my pocket. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Both are wonderful schools. I am a South Carolinian and I enjoy cold weather as well as the warm. </p>

<p>O wow, is your son in Architecture or another program? VT is OOS for me, but the ranking is superior as well as the facilities. I agree with you on the merit-based scholarship, most are race-based because it’s 70% (may more) White and i’m a WASP.</p>

<p>In concert to 4 year; yes, the program is pre-pro for 4 years. I am going to get my mArch, so regardless it’s 6 years. My financial scenario, is that I have to pay for my college or I won’t work as hard at it. Thus, I am bargain hunting, so hopefully I will get some grants.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the input :slight_smile:
I’ll post the final verdict when I get it in the mail.</p>

<p>They don’t look at recommendation letters or extracurriculars. Only scores and gpa. I had a 33 math act and 32 english act, and I got into tech, but not architecture. I looked at the mean sat scores for architecture, converted my scores, and was above the mean scores, yet I didn’t get in. But good luck.</p>

<p>What kind of GPA did you have? I have been accepted to CalPoly, University of Texas, Clemson, Illinois-Urbana, and hopefully Georgia Tech, so if I don’t get in then I am totally fine with it. I think/thought VT is/was my first choice. We will see. I will post any feedback on the blog.</p>