<p>@Tperry1982, I was kind of a mathy guy, Psych major (albeit Experimental Psych), and one semester I was a TA for “Stat for Psych Students” or some such course. @tkat97, let me assure you that you would not be the second Psych major who didn’t excel at math (after Tperry ).</p>
<p>That said, I suggest learning at least Stat well. And, some kids develop Math chops late (personal experience with my kids). </p>
You don’t have to post them, but did you submit SAT II scores? They are required if you didn’t take the ACT.http://admissions.yale.edu/standardized-testing. I only ask about them because you didn’t list them.
I thought you wanted to be an occupational therapist. That is what is all over your other threads.
As noted above, Yale,accepts about 6% of students who apply. This means 94% do not get accepted. In the group of rejected students, there are a ton of very well qualified candidates for admissions. The school simp,y cannot admit all,of,the well qualified students who apply. So…your chances are the same as anyone else’s…6/100 get admitted.