<p>Nigerian Female
1830 March SAT . 620 cr 580 math 630 w (aiming for +2000 in may)
gpa 3.7 uw . (i dont know for to calculate weighted . but probably 3.8/3.9?)
Student leader in Christian Youth group
Interact club
Pro-Life Club
Spanish club
a little babysitting.
(i cant really do that many ECs because i have younger brothers to stay home with after school and my parents work an hour away so i never have a ride or anyone to take care of my brothers.)</p>
<p>GWU is basically my dream school. I've visited campus (during presidents day weekend) and sat in on a class (20th century political thought). i love the school so much . thats actually why i started typing up the essay, because i couldnt hold my anticipation. I;ve had contact with admissions (the lady who set me up with the class visit) and im planning an interview/overnight campus/dorm visit for august.
do you think i'll be able to get in? help please !</p>
<p>PS im applying for the 7 year MD program</p>
<p>bump ? oh and i’ll chance back :)</p>
<p>well, if you get your sats up to your target range you should have a good shot. gw has been getting more and more applicants every year, so its acceptance rate has been decreasing quite a bit just to let you know. i’m actually interested in the school as well, i’m just not sure if i’m interested enough for ed. but if you apply ed, have great essays and recommendations, and interview well, you should have a decent shot. just work on those scores! or try the act, i had MUCH more success on it, as my sat scores kind of sucked. a lot. sorry for rambling but best of luck and chance me back please!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1114972-chance-tulane-university-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1114972-chance-tulane-university-please.html</a></p>
<p>Your drive clearly shines through, which makes a big impression on the admissions people. Your GPA is pretty good, and if you get your SAT scores up where you want them to be, you’ll be in with very few problems. :)</p>
<p>Best of luck and chance back please! <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1118399-chance-theatre-acting-inclined-junior-ill-chance-you-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1118399-chance-theatre-acting-inclined-junior-ill-chance-you-back.html</a></p>
<p>I agree with the others. All you really need to do is get your SAT scores up, and maybe take a subject test or two. 
You have a great shot!!</p>
<p>The only weakness here is your SAT score’s, but you have ample opportunity to increase those and if in May, they aren’t satisfactory, simply try the ACT a couple of times, you may notice a very large improvement. Other than that, your GPA is really good, and you have drive and will, I think your on the path to success. Also, GWU has a SAT Subject Test policy for the 7 year MD program and I notice you haven’t posted scores for those. They test your abilities in particular subjects, and are best if taken the same time as you take AP exams, or at the end of the college prep course they are related to.</p>
<p>im taking subject tests in June and in the Fall.
i didnt know about a policy though . i’ll have to look that up</p>