Chance me (Graphic Communication)

SAT: 1240 GPA: 3.92. Also, what are the least impacted majors at SLO?

Graphic communications has a projected acceptance rate of around 50% which is good for SLO since many majors have below at 20% acceptance rate. Since SLO does not list average GPA and test scores by major, I look at how you compare to the College as a whole.

The College of Liberal Arts had an average SLO GPA of 4.04 and SAT of 1357. You are below the averages but within range. Have you calculated your MCA Points?

Depending upon MCA points, I would say that SLO is a slight reach based on your academic profile.

Regarding impaction at SLO. All majors are impacted at SLO since the campus as a whole is impacted. The majors that have the highest acceptance rates are mainly in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Science such as Dairy Science, Food Science and Bio resource and Agricultural Engineering for example.

If you are thinking of applying to an easier admit major and then switching after being accepted (back dooring), I would advise you to rethink this strategy. One of the requirements in changing majors is that you as a Freshman needed to meet the MCA point threshold of your new major. This keeps applicants from applying to an easier admit major and then switch to a more difficult admit major.

My advice is apply to your 1st choice major period.

If I took the SAT this December and went up at least 100 points and got 1300 would it be worth it? Or should I just apply with the score I have right now? From what I heard it doesn’t hurt, and I willing to do it if it increases my chances.

SLO considers up to the November sitting for the SAT/ACT so there is no guarantee that they will look at the December sitting.

From the SLO website:

Standardized Test Scores

Only ACT or SAT I scores are used in the selection process. If you are applying for the Fall Quarter, scores from ACT or SAT tests taken after November are not guaranteed to be used in the selection process.