Chance me GW RD class of '24

I’m a senior at a laboratory school in Missouri, it’s considered the best school in the region. They don’t offer honors or AP classes but allow us to take dual enrolment courses at Missouri State. They also only have unweighted GPA, and do not rank the students.

I transferred to this school junior year, but before I attended a public school, where I took all honors classes and 3 AP classes.

-GPA: 3.8/4.0
-SAT: 1240 (not submitting)
-AP Classes: Statistics, Environmental Science, Capstone
-Dual enrollment classes: Precalculus, World History, (will take biology this spring)
-Class Rank: n/a out of 25


-Pathfinders 6 years (like girl scouts but church-based)
-Bible Bowl, 5 years
-Environmental Club, 4 years

-National Honors Society
-Selected for Missouri Girls State
-School Honor Roll

-Church Leadership
-Bible bowl team captain 2 years
-President and founder of mental health awareness club

-Over 100 hours through youth group in church
-Feeding Refugees initiative, 2 years


Strong essays both of which reviewed by my English teacher, unique personal essay. Also wrote a brief statement about moving schools


Fairly strong, one from my biology teacher, and another form my English teacher
-known my biology teacher for two years

-First-generation Kenyan American
-Bilingual, English/Swahili
-Part of a CBO for low-income African-American students
-Applying for Biology/ Columbian college
-income <75k

You should have a good shot. Crazy how different the rest of Missouri is from STL/KC. When I first saw no APs I was really surprised that they didn’t have any.

I’d say your chances are pretty good. Having come from a small school myself I can vouch for the “leniency” offered when you don’t have as many opportunities for AP or Honors. And a class of 25?? Wow, I thought my class was small at 92 :lol:

BTW, are you planning on doing pre-med with your Biology degree?

not pre-med, more on the research side of things

@Doboy919 did you get in?

@sdl0625 yes! with a presidential scholarship