Chance me homiesssss!!!!!! :)))))

<p>3.4 unweighted
3.71 weighted
SAT 1: 2180
US History: 680 Math level 2: 790</p>

<p>I have taken 3 AP's already and an Honors: US History, Statistics, Psychology, H-pre-calc
I got a 5 and two 4's
next year I am taking AP Calc BC and Finite/Discrete Math (its a college class weighted but no AP test)</p>

<p>I want to major in computer science</p>

<p>my ec's are: violin for 6 years
FYS (fremont youth symphony): 3 years
Indian classical music: 13 years
Speech/Debate: varsity policy 3 years
track/field: 3 years
Kaiser Volunteering: 3 years
tutoring 6th graders: 1 year</p>

<p>I have 250+ hours</p>

<p>the schools i want to attend are:
Carnegie Mellon
Case Western Reserve
UC Davis
UC San Diego
UC Irvine
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Penn State University Park
Boston University
Northeastern University</p>

<p>please let me know how much of a chance i have at each of these schools
any feedback will be appreciated
if u chance me i will definitely try to chance u as well</p>

<p>So you are trying to get into one of these colleges as an incoming freshman coming out of high school? You seem to have a decent chance but a bit concerned on how much you have completed thus far.
Do you know anything about each schools computer science department or about the school itself? If not you should really look at their programs to help you narrow your choices.
Realize, it really doesn’t matter that much where you go for your first two years since lower division is just required standardized education.</p>

<p>im considering either economics, finance/business or computer science
i am going to go into college as a freshman</p>

<p>PLZ chance me anyone :))))) and feedback PLZZZ</p>