chance me i will chance back just include the link

<p>ethnicity: asian-chinese
sports: football, crew, i also did track and basketball like freshmen year
grade level:junior
clubs: started the environmental club and business club and i did a ton of projects in those
DECA which is a world wide business club, debate club
extra curriculars: started my own company I am the CEO of that company, we are currently talking to Coca Cola as well as other companies about a possible deal, i interned at a law firm and i'm still doing it, volunteer at senior center and library, helped the people affected by the china earthquake last year by sending aids to them
i have a 3.5/4 GPA my grades has been going up drmatically year by year
taking the hardest classes my school offers
SAT- 670 Math
660 Writing
570 Critical Reading
also i live in massachussets and the high school is one of the top ten in the state, 99% of the graduates countinue on to other types of higher education
i want to study business or economics
I know my stats aren’t amazing, but I hope extra-curricular and sports will
I want to go to
Notre Dame
U of Southern California
Boston University
University of Richmond

<p>I’m not sure but I think you can get into Vandy. as for the others IDK.</p>

<p>also pease do mine I don’t know how to post the links on here yet. it’s Chance me or send me somewhere good.</p>

<p>i am also fluent in chinese and have won like 3 speech contests at my chinese school</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at Vandy, but doesn’t Vandy not have business or finance or something like that. Your grades are on the lower side for Vanderbilt, but your EC’s show strength in your subject matter. I’d say to maximize chances try to get up your SAT a little (or take the ACT) and keep working hard on those grades.
Chance me back please:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>oh wow well that was definately something that could’ve been thrown in at the top. wow that’s amazing. Yeah I’m 90% sure your good to go at Vandy</p>

<p>thanks guys anymore? isn’t my grades a little too low for vanderbilt though? like does my extracurricular really make up for that?</p>

<p>anymore. thanks.</p>

<p>your ECs are very impressive, and I think that will help override the scores. I think you have a very good shot at most of your schools, Vanderbilt will probably be a reach but it’s definitely a possibility. </p>

<p>Chance me back! <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks. any more takers.</p>

<p><strong><em>Chance me back ( striker 7)</em></strong>**</p>

<pre><code> U VS Vanderbilt University middle 50%AVG

<p>570 reading SAT Critical Reading: 640 - 740<br>
670 Math SAT Math: 660 - 740<br>
660 writing SAT Writing: 640 - 730 </p>

<p>I dont think ur going to get into vandy id have to say MOderate reach.</p>

<pre><code> Vanderbilt(ED) rejected

<p>Wisoconsin IN
Notre Dame probally rejected<br>
Tulane IN
U of Southern California Pro rejected
Boston University IN
University of Richmond IN</p>

<p>Vanderbilt(ED)- low reach
Wisoconsin- IN
Notre Dame- high match
NYU- high match
Tulane- match
U of Southern California- match
Boston University- high match
University of Richmond- IN</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks. any more?</p>

<p>NYU and Wisconsin seem reasonable. The rest are reaches. The SAT scores are killing you. If you do extremely well on a retake, colleges will view your school as extraordinarily competitive, which could get you into Vanderbilt if you want. I don’t know why someone of your situation would want to go there though… It’s kind of Redneck, especially compared to Massachusetts.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;