chance me? i will chance back

<p>Public nationally acclaimed competitive high school</p>

<p>Asian female</p>

<p>3.42 gpa uw
4.25 gpa w
top 25%</p>

<p>2140 SAT score
700 math II
730 literature</p>

<p>will have taken 7 APs
three "4"s and one "5" on AP exams taken</p>

<p>good ECs, editor of literary magazine, big on arts, leader of amnesty international</p>

<p>great essays</p>

<p>good (not great) rec letters</p>

<p>I am applying to</p>

<p>UNC-Chapel Hill (in state)
Carnegie Mellon
UVA (out of state)
Wake Forest</p>


<p>i’ve got a cousin at colgate, and i don’t mean this as an insult to their academic standards or anything, but they’re a notorious rich-kid feeder and i think they would really like to have someone with your scores and ECs. it’s not that it’s a bad school, just that they accept a lot of kids who prrrrobably wouldn’t make it in if they weren’t wealthy. does that make sense?</p>

<p>haha the bottom line is that i think you have a great chance there :slight_smile: Wake Forest, about which I know relatively little, I think you have a good chance as well. I don’t think I’m familiar enough with the rest of them to make a good judgment, sooo I’ll just leave you with that. good luck!:)</p>