<p>I'm interested in applying to the following universities: (this list doesnt include safeties)</p>
Johns Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon
<p>Here are my stats:
GPA: 3.95UW, 4.79 W
Rank: wont be released until oct; probably like 3/340
SAT: 1490/2290 (2nd time)
SAT IIs: Math II 800, Bio M 780, will take chem and USH in october
ACT: n/a
school: public, competitive
personal stats: MD, asian female, family income around 200k</p>
Ben carson scholarship award, Maryland HOBY leadership conference ambassador for my school, some county science fair awards, probably National merit commended scholar (but idk yet)</p>
cancer research internship at JHU (recently co-authored a paper); i do this full-time in the summer and part-time during the school year
tutor for a tutoring agency (paid position)
math team
science olympiad (captain)
UNICEF club (president)
key club
minor position on county-wide student council</p>
<p>i love playing guitar and writing music, except i dont think that'll help me unless i publish something :p</p>
<p>I think Emory is a match. Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkins might be a high match. You have an alright shot at the Ivies and CMU, but do something unique. You seem passionate for medicine, so start a pre-med club or something. I think you have a chance, but not too great of one. You are an alright applicant for the Ivies. Columbia and Brown University will be tough, but you should be able to have a better chance at Cornell! Being Asian will hurt you too (It’ll hurt me too
as well)but I think you have a decent chance! Good luck!
And can you chance back! Thanks!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1518316-chance-me-top-universities.html#post16076272[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1518316-chance-me-top-universities.html#post16076272</a></p>
<p>Everythings in place, and your direction is obvious, but somehow your application strikes me like you’re trying too hard. Everything you do is med focused. Now having a focus is a good thing, but being single minded without much else isn’t necessarily great. It seems as if your service is forced. Perhaps you just need to present yourself differently. Being asian doesn’t help one bit, especially going into pre-med (which statistically is one of the hardest majors to get into with an asian ethnicity because of a higher applicant rate). As unfair as it is, you need to overcome your race. Okay shot at the ivies, try to make your personality shine through in those essays, otherwise you sound like everyone else. </p>
<p>Cornell: Low Reach
Brown: Reach
Yale: Reach
Columbia: Reach
Johns Hopkins: Low Reach
Carnegie Mellon: High Match
Emory: High Match
Vanderbilt: High Match/Low reach</p>
<p>Chance back at:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1518278-updated-chances-ivies-second-ivies-publics-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1518278-updated-chances-ivies-second-ivies-publics-will-chance-back.html</a></p>