Rising senior, figured why not give this a shot? Any feedback is appreciated 
Stanford (#1)
UCLA (#2)
Major: Psychology
-African American/White (biracial)
-Will be first to graduate college (parents went to college but dropped out and never got degrees)
-GPA 4.44 (W)/ not sure but at least a 3.7 (UW)/ 4.0 (UC)
-ACT: 32 comp (32 E, 33 R, 32 M, 31 S, 32 W)- taking again in Sept
-Rank: 23/250
-All A’s
APs (i know they suck):
-Human Geo (3)
-Psych (2)- dont roast me for this one
-English Lang (3)
-Chem (3)
-Also dual enrolled at community college for US History
Senior Courses:
-AP Physics I
-AP English Lit
-AP Calc BC
-AP Govt
-AP Macroeconomics
-Visual Art
-Teen Leader for 4H Line & Design (crafting/sewing group)- plan/teach projects to kids (9-12)
-President of 4H Community Club- initiate meeting/ plan service projects (9-12)
-Secretary of Jr Fair Board- take meeting minutes and send reminders/ volunteer at county fair (9-12)
-Commander of Rifle Team (Varsity and JV) (9-12)
-Squad Leader in JROTC (9-12)
Other ECs
-Mu Alpha Theta (10-12)
-National Honors Society (11-12)
-Scholars Program (11-12)
-GSA (11-12)
-4H Honor Club (community service) (9-12)
For the CA i wanted to discuss how i’ve grown up around music and how it has helped me overcome struggles and become more open minded and accepting of myself and other
My biggest question is whether or not to include the AP scores on my app. I know they arent the best so they wont give me a leg up on the competition and that colleges typically dont look at them, but im afraid that they might make me seem like a bad addition to a school. I just dont test well.
GPA and ACT score wise you seem competitive (ACT, if it’s a 33+, will be more than fine). However there are a few things I have to say…
- You are in a very tricky position with AP scores- on the one hand, if the grades are good/very good at school for these courses, you can choose not to submit them and this can send off the impression that you did very well and are willingly choosing not to send scores. Colleges DO look at AP scores, but their actual effect on the admission as a whole is minimal, as in it won't turn a "no" into a "yes". I think submitting your AP scores can do more to hurt than help, and I'm sure you'll agree. I would advise that you try taking a subject test in the fall, do as well as you can (better than what your AP scores reflect, at the very least) and maybe think about submitting one of those to show colleges your proficiency in those areas. Maybe one of the SAT II Literature or SAT II Chemistry exams?
- On the other hand, not submitting any of the 4 APs you took can be a bad sign- you run that risk by not sending any. Again, the subject tests can come in handy here. I know I said above that colleges might think you are willingly not sending in scores, having done well, but if your school is known for having grade inflation/not being competitive you run the risk of hurting your chances. So the subject tests are something to consider.
- Again talking about the AP scores (I promise this is my final comment about them), you scored a 2 in Psychology. I won't roast you, I promise I'm only here to help. But your intended major is Psychology. This was probably the one AP score that you should send and I can't pretend that the admissions committee won't find it the slightest bit odd that a declared Psychology major isn't sending an AP score. Also, this begs the question as to why you're choosing this as a major if you don't, at least judging by your AP score, have the aptitude for the subject. There is nothing in your extracurricular activities to prove otherwise. All in all, I'm trying to look at this from the perspective of the admissions committee and I'm left confused.
- I will have to say that some of your extracurriculars stand out- for example, how many can really say that they're part of a rifle team, much less a Commander, as a high schooler? Very few. JROTC leader. Amazing. Your background as a mixed first-generation student is a standout, and your grades are very good like I said before. I'm wondering a bit about whether or not your essay is a bit cliché but I guess if it's personal to you, it'll be spun into a wonderful essay.
Tl;dr Good stuff going here (point 4) but I’m mainly just confused about why you’re picking Psychology as a major (point 3) and think that more information about the competitiveness of your school (point 2) is in order, as well as perhaps a subject test or two to make up for the AP scores (points 1 and 2).
Chance back? Bit of a long post but I’d appreciate any feedback- http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1904474-chance-me-for-the-following-rising-senior-with-huge-upward-trend-p1.html