Chance me McGill

Sat: 1360 (730-eng 630- math)
Gpa UW: 3.95
APs: Us, world, lit. 5,5,5

Faculty of Arts

Chance me please!

I think McGill’s admissions process is pretty straightforward. If you go to there website, it should be spelled out exactly what standards you need to meet.

Your math score is too low. The minimum math score for 2018 entry was 640 for arts majors. It will likely be higher for 2020.

Is that a guarantee that I won’t get in?

The 2018 Minima (US HS): B+ average in grades 10, 11 and 12; B+ in each English; SATI EB Read & Writ 700, Math 640 and SATII 650 in each subject or ACT 28 (English & Reading ≥ 26, others ≥ 24). You need to retake the SAT and raise that math score.