Chance me: NYU, GWU, USC

<p>-Asian American
-Upper Income Family
-SAT: 2140 (720 CR, 760 Writing, 660 Math)
-GPA: 3.9 Weighted, 3.48 Unweighted
- 5 in APUSH and AP Euro, 4s in AP Art History/AP World/AP Language & Comp/AP Environmental
-Senior Year classes: AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Psych, AP German, IB Math SL, MUN </p>

-Student Government Vice President
-President of Drama
-Vice President of Model United Nations
-President of a culture club
-NHS, CSF</p>

<p>I have well over 200 hours of community service from tutoring, working at the hospital and at various charities internationally. </p>

<p>I'm a good writer and I believe that I've received very good letters of rec.</p>

<p>USC: Low Reach
NYU: Match
GWU: Safety</p>