Chance me (OOS)

Alright I think I’m gonna ask for chances here then I’m gonna step away from CC until decisions come out. Can anyone chance me as an OOS student?

Campuses applied: UCB, UCI, UCSD, UCSC

Major: Cognitive Science (alternative at schools that allowed it was Comp Sci)

GPA: 4.0 UW, and if I used the calculator correctly, 4.35 capped and weighted

Important courses: AP European History (4 on exam), AP English Lang & Comp (5), AP Comp Sci (4), AP US History (5), Physics 1 (3, RIP). I’m taking 5 more APs this year.

EC’s (all that’s listed on the UC application, at least):

  • 10-week unpaid internship at a tech company (was coordinated through my school)
  • Co-founder of livestreaming club
  • Science Olympiad since freshman year, promoted to team captain, got 3 medals and to the state competition
  • NHS (35+ hours of volunteering, but we didn’t get funding for national membership this year so idk if this counts)
  • Part of the student leaders group at my school. We’re taking on a community service design project but I don’t think details will help here.

Extra: Wasn’t aware of any awards until after I submitted my app. I worked at McDonald’s for a year and didn’t get a second job until I finished the college apps. I think my essays were good - I definitely benefitted from the deadline extension - and I looked over them with my dad and my GC.

Reality checks are welcome.

Based on your profile, you look like a qualified and competitive applicant. These are the OOS/International admit rates for 2020 UC capped weighted GPA of 4.2+:

UCB: 31%
UCSD: 77%
UCI: 70%
UCSC: 87%

As long as you can pay OOS fees to attend at around $65K/ year, you will have several UC options.

Best of luck.

you look like a competitive applicant for all of the UCs but, the OOS tuition is pretty ridiculous.

If you want to come to CA to study, privates like LMU, USD, Santa Clara and Chapman are likely to offer merit aid making them more realistic for most.

Apply broadly and good luck

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You’ll get into at least one UC.
Agree with the others that your hurdle will be the cost to attend.
Can your parents afford $65k per year?
It is a California PUBLIC university, supported by taxpayer funding. They have no extra funding to pay for nonresidents.

There is no financial aid to cover your tuition and fees. Federal funds will barely cover meals. Did you apply to safeties?

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Thank you all for the advice and replies! I should probably get off the forums and leave things alone lol.

To all talking about safeties and tuition: I didn’t know about the cost hurdle for OOS UC students until after I already applied, but I admit I should have researched that more. I have scholarships that will cover quite a bit of the costs, but if I knew about the tuition hurdle beforehand, I would have resisted more to applying.

I’ve applied to my state uni whose acceptance rate is over 90% and to other local schools that offer merit aid, so it’s not like I’d be in a rough spot if I didn’t get in. I just am not psyched by the idea of going to local schools, especially since they’re far from any family.

If you’re wondering why I’m even applying to UCs then, academics + I’ll be close to my family at any of the campuses I applied to + my parents wanted me to. I chanced here because I though I had the most realistic look at these schools out of all the competitive ones I applied to, but started doubting myself.