<p>Just Kidding. But my last thread didn't have an interesting title, I guess.</p>
<p>I am in my junior year at a pretty uncompetitive, unprestigious public high school. My cumulative GPA, not weighted, is 4, and I'm ranked 1st. I've taken almost the most intense course load possible at my school, with one AP sophomore year, two APs this year, and I'm planning on taking six APs senor year, and I'm moderately involved: three years of varsity football, founder of the science olympiad, science fair, volunteer work at services hospital, and NHS. This summer I'm interning at a doctor's office, which is a great opportunity considering that medicine is my planned major. I got a 2400 on the SAT reasoning (800 Reading, 800 Writing, 800 Math). My parents are Native American.</p>
<p>Colleges to consider: Case Western Reserve University, Ohio State University--Columbus, Miami University--Oxford, University of Dayton, Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, Kent State University, Columbia University (I know I can't get into this school, but my dad's making me apply).</p>
<p>TBH I think you’re aiming too low. Your ECs aren’t crazy, but they’re focused, which is good. Your SATs are obviously amazing and your course load is as rigorous as possible with a high rank. Being Native American is also a huge plus - I think you stand a good chance at Columbia, and i think you’re probably in at all of them.</p>
<p>That’s fine, here’s your chance. You have a 2400 SAT, you’re Val, and you’re full Native American, you can go wherever the hell you want. Did you have to be told that?</p>
<p>How are those in any way guarantees? And I don’t see how being Native American would give me that much of an edge. I’ve heard it’s a very small factor, that’s the only reason I included it. Personally, I think that’s a weak determinator (even if it enhances my chances).</p>
<p>But being Native American is a HUGE factor. Talk about URM. Plus its a big deal for scholarships. I have friends who have gotten free rides for being 1/8th Native American.</p>
<p>There are only 300-400 perfect scores every year, and Native Americans, an underachieving group test score-wise, make up less than one percent of the population. Each high school class only has one valedictorian. Do the math, you’re pretty rare.</p>
<p>Yes, but look at my extracurriculars. They’re awful. And I didn’t take the most rigorous curriculum (very close though). I took classes that matched my planned major over classes that I had no interest nor use for. For example, I took Forensic Science and Global Science over AP Language and Composition. I don’t know how much that will hurt. As you can tell, I’m kind of a realist and I lack confidence (and self-esteem).</p>
<p>That reminds me: money IS a factor not only in tuition, but paying for applications. I basically need a full ride. So take that into consideration and the list shrinks.</p>
<p>I’m going to believe you on this but your “sibling” seems more of a ■■■■■ than you so here are my two cents: You’re in everywhere b/c of your perfect SAT scores, val status, 4 unweighted GPA, and not too shabby EC’s (could use more but it doesn’t hurt to have what you have). Your race status is a significant perk for you b/c not many Native Americans come out with “profiles” such as yours. If this is real, aim for more Ivy leagues like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, the whole nine yards and etc. You’re courseload is fine, aim high if this is true…</p>
<p>Ditto for the ■■■■■ award! Unquestionably, someone with your extraordinary credentials, including the rare 2400 SAT, WOULD HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED INVITATIONS FROM THE TOP-TIER SCHOOLS, even as a junior, to apply with offers of money and everything else. My d has received countless mail from many top schools as a junior and she hasn’t taken her ACT or SAT yet. She took the PSAT (for practice) last year and it wasn’t that great and she doesn’t know, of course, this year’s results.</p>
<p>I agree with other posters, and would add that either you are a liar or a really naive !!??!!</p>
<p>^ schools sends those letters to everyone regardless of test scores, even if you’re an all C student and took the psat you’re probably getting one from stanford.</p>
<p>The sibling thing wasn’t me and it WAS a joke. So please stop referencing it, because I am a different person. And if you’re not going to chance me, please don’t post a reply. I’m not interested if you think I’m a ■■■■■ or a liar. Thanks for those who took this thread seriously. As for me being naive, how would colleges even recognize my achievements? When I took the PSAT, I shaded in “no” to allowing my colleges to see my scores. I looked at the people on College Confidential who got accepted to some of the schools all of you have listed, and my stats pale in comparison (extracurriculars, awards, etc.). I look forward to more actual chances. Thanks.</p>