Chance me please! :D


<p>Location: Long Island, New York
School: Affluent public HS
Gender: Male
Family Income: <$25,000 5 people
Race: Asian</p>

HYP, Stanford, Duke, Cornell, Northwestern, UChicago, Northeastern & assorted safeties.</p>

<p>Intended Major: Economics
(As of end of Junior Year)GPA: - 3.93 UW
(As of end of Junior Year)Class Rank: no ranking</p>

<p>SAT: 780 CR, 790 M, 730 W - 2300
SAT IIs: 780/740</p>

<p>AP’s: 5 5s, 2 4s
Senior (Currently taking): 6 APs</p>

<p>Volunteer and Work Experience: </p>

<p>US Open 2 years 11th and 12th grade
Intern at Ohio State Senate
Intern at local law office</p>

National Honor Society - VP. Organized extremely successful 9/11 remembrance event, raised $25k for charity, 1k+ people showed. Starting recycling campaign.
National Chinese Honor Society - VP. Raised over $5k a year for orphan and local charities.
Asian-American Awareness Club - VP.
National Spanish Honor Society
Peer Tutoring Club</p>

incredibly unathletic ;_;</p>

AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>Not incredibly strong essays, either. ):</p>

<p>What is your UWGPA?
Is your WGPA 3.93?</p>

<p>Income is less than 25000 for 5 people?</p>

<p>Sorry, wasn’t paying attention. 3.93 UWGPA. The income is indeed less than $25,000 for 5 people. Both parents are currently unemployed. That was last year’s income from a dying/now sold business. For the year of 2011, I think it’ll be an income of less than $10,000…</p>

<p>Are you a Questbridge finalist?</p>

<p>Nope. I think I was DQ’ed because my parents own more property than just our house. The other properties are underwater on their mortgages, but I guess QB didn’t care. :confused: I’m guessing that this hurts me.</p>

<p>You have the numbers for the colleges on your list.</p>

<p>I think you have decent chances at NW and Cornell.</p>

<p>HYPS, Chicago and Duke are reaches but you MIGHT have decent chances due to your family situation.</p>

<p>How would I go about highlighting my family circumstances on the app? Through an essay on the additional info section?</p>

<p>Shameless bump…</p>

<p>GPA/Scores etc… = great. Ivies etc… will recognize the struggle youve endured in not having a lot of money so thats good. You’re ECs are a little weak, BUT raising 25k for something is AMAZING! (I barely raised 300 dollars for my charity…) If you can highlight that in your essays or somewhere in your app (maybe common app 1000char short answer) that could make your ECs shine a little brighter. With great essays I would have more confidence in your admission, but lackluster essays are the worst thing ever… so i’m thinking ivies will be mid reach as of now.</p>