Chance me please (Duke, Notre Dame, Johns Hopkins, etc). I'll chance you back!!

<p>White Male from Washington State.
Intended major: Biology
Going to be a Senior next year</p>

<p>Hey guys I was hoping you could chance me for Duke (RD and ED), Notre Dame, Johns Hopkins, WashU, Cornell, Penn, USC. This isn't my entire college list and I do have some solid safeties. I just want to know if I have a solid shot at any of these schools. I will also gladly take recommendations on things to improve on and other colleges to consider. Feel free to skim through this. I will chance you back. All feedback is greatly appreciated.</p>


<p>Intern, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (12)
• Adult stem cell research and lab work contributor. I will also develop and conduct my own research experiment, complete it in the lab, and present results of my work to promote cancer awareness and prevention. This is for a year long senior project.</p>

<p>University of Notre Dame Summer Scholars (12)
• Completed its Global Health: Science, Medicine and the Determinants of Social Health program</p>

<p>My High School is ranked among the top 10 public high schools in the US according to US News and World Report. It is ranked 1st in my state.</p>

<p>3.95 cumulative GPA through Junior year.
ACT Test Score: 31 (35 S, 35E, 32 M, 23 R, 9 E); taking ACT test again (Should be a 33 or 34). Reading was a fluke.
SAT Subject Test Scores: Molecular Biology: 790
Math II: 750
US History: 670
AP tests taken include: AP World (score: 4), AP Bio (score: 4), AP French(score: 3),
AP Literature (score: 4), and AP U.S. History (score: 4)</p>

<p>Next year I am taking AP Lang, AP Calc, AP Physics, AP Gov, and French 6 (beyond AP level). Most rigorous schedule possible.</p>

<p>VOLUNTEER SERVICE (about 200 hours when I graduate)</p>

<p>Captain and Participant, Relay for Life, benefiting the American Cancer Society
• Contributed more than 72 hours of personal volunteer work.
• Generated almost $10,000 in donations to the American Cancer Society in 2013 alone.</p>

<p>Middle School Track Coach
• Contribute more than five hours per week volunteering as a coach, more than 20 hours and counting to date.
• I volunteered as a Javelin coach for middle school students in track. I used my competitive Javelin experience to teach kids how to throw properly and improve their distance.</p>

<p>Mission Week Volunteer
• Contributed more than 30 hours of personal volunteer work in migrant worker camps of Washington.</p>

<p>Counselor, Vacation Bible School
• Contributed more than 15 hours of volunteer work as a counselor during a week-long Vacation Bible School at my church. I was responsible for 5 kids, who were all about 8 years old. I guided them and helped them out at each station and helped them further understand their faith.</p>

<p>Science Fair Judge
• Judged a middle school science fair at my school, grading students on their projects that they worked on for months.</p>

<p>Warehouse Cleaner, (for National Honor Society)
• I volunteered to clean a warehouse at a youth center.</p>

<p>Badminton Coach
• Volunteered 40+ hours, more than four hours per week.
• I coached middle school students in badminton and taught them strategies which helped the team go undefeated.</p>

<p>Food Bank Helper
• During the Northwest Harvest I volunteered at a food bank where I packed food to be sent to people who need the assistance.</p>


<p>Varsity Letter recipient and Member, Junior State of America (JSA) (9-12)</p>

<p>Co-Founder and Vice President, Relay for Life Club (12)
• I co-founded this club which is based on raising money and awareness to fight cancer. The idea for this club stemmed from Relay for Life, an event that helps raise money for the American Cancer Society. We decided to create this club so we could fundraise and raise awareness year round instead of just during one small part of the year for one event.</p>

<p>President, Science Club (11-12)
• This club conducts science experiments and helps science enthusiasts collaborate and learn together. Every year we participate in the Science Bowl and compete against teams from schools all over the Pacific Northwest. Last year one of our teams made it to the top 8 (out of about 64 teams).</p>

<p>Washington Business Week at Gonzaga (11)
• Actively participated in a week-long camp at Gonzaga University in which I was assigned to a company. My company created a product, an infomercial, competed in a business simulation, and competed in a trade show. In the end my company finished 2nd overall out of 10 companies and was very successful.</p>

<p>Member, Roots and Shoots (10-12)
• This is a club based on community service and giving back to the community. it holds fundraisers throughout the year and hosts a senior citizen prom.</p>

<p>Member, National Honor Society (11-12 all years eligible) </p>

<p>Member, French Honor Society (12)</p>

<p>Study Abroad in France (10)</p>

<p>• I participated in the French/English exchange student program with 25 students from a sister high school in Nantes, France. My French student stayed with me during January and February of 2012. I hosted him, spoke English with him and immersed him in the American culture. Later, along with 24 other students from my school, I traveled to France. During the first two weeks I lived with my exchange student and his family in Nantes. I attended school and participated in classes with him. I also participated in cultural activities such as a formal reception the Mayor of Nantes hosted at his mansion to celebrate our exchange program as well a visit to the beach of Normandy along with other historical sites. Subsequently, during the third week of my exchange, my classmates and I lived in Paris and visited museums and monuments. I consistently spoke French with my host family, fellow students, and even strangers when I needed help with directions. I ate traditional French food and enjoyed a full and authentic French experience. Participating in this exchange program greatly improved my ability to speak and understand French, as well as my appreciation for French culture. </p>

<p>Member, Key Club (11-12)</p>

<p>Member, Youth Group (9-10)
• Contributed more than 32 hours to my church youth group which met for two hours every Sunday night to learn more about and deepen our faith and strengthen our community.</p>


<p>Team Captain for Cross Country (9-12, Captain 12)
• My team is in the most competitive division in the state. I am one of 3 captains for a team of about 80 people.</p>

<p>Track and Field (10-12) (possible captain)
• I competed as a distance runner and javelin thrower. I ran the 1600 meter race and 800 meter race. I may end up being a captain, but that has not been announced yet.</p>

• Captain, Cross Country Team
• President, Science Club
• Co-Founder & Executive Vice President, Relay for Life Club
• Captain, Relay for Life
• Coach, Track
• Coach, Badminton
• Principal Bassist, Orchestra
• Counselor, Vacation Bible School Camp
• Big Buddy, New School Students
• Judge, Science Fair Judge</p>


<p>Ski Instructor (10-12)</p>

<p>Umpire (8-10)</p>

<p>Please Chance me for:
Duke (RD and ED)
Notre Dame
Johns Hopkins

<p>I will chance you back! Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this!</p>

<p>You’re application was great before I even saw you’re the Cross Country captain! Studying abroad in high school must’ve been great! Strong stats once you fix ACT Reading, and I think Duke will be begging for you to enroll there, especially ED! You also have a solid shot at Cornell, and an even better chance for the rest of your schools. Duke has great BME, but Engineering = Math = Hopefully a higher ACT Math and SAT 2 Math. I’m surprised you’re AP scores are 4’s and 3’s if you come from a top 10 school and have a 3.95 GPA…?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I also forgot to say that I should get one amazing letter of rec and another pretty good one. My counselor knows me well and likes me too. Also i think my common app essay will be very solid. It is a narrative about skiing with my dad and being content with challenging myself.</p>

<p>Thank you for the response! I appreciate it. My ACT math was a little lower than I expected. And yes I did not doing very well on my AP tests. I’m a little afraid that will look badly on me. Thanks! Anyone else have thoughts?</p>

<p>Bring up that ACT and you have a really good shot at Duke ED. Good luck!</p>

<p>is that 3.95 weighted or unweighted? Im making these assessments based off if its unweighted.</p>

<p>Duke (RD and ED): ED, match. RD maybe high match/low reach.
Notre Dame: high match
Johns Hopkins: reach, especially with that act.
WashU: high match/low reach
Cornell: low reach
Penn: reach/high reach
USC: high match</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The 3.95 is unweighted. Thanks for the response! You really think USC is in the same playing field as Duke and Notre Dame? I find it to be a bit below them from my personal perspective academically. Of course it’s still a great school and I love it. Anyways thanks! Anyone else?</p>

<p>I think you are highly competitive for all the universities listed. Your academics are good and your ECs are outstanding. Just keep in mind that you still need to do very well on your essays just as all accepted applicants do for the most competitive universities (esp. Duke, JHU, WashU, and Penn).
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Look very competitive for ND and Duke but might look at a safety like Holy Cross-smaller version of ND but easier to get into. Hc has very nice campus 1 hour from Boston and the school offers very good financial aid. Science programs are very strong and the HC website is informative.</p>

<p>@alphaprime11 I have a solid common app essay, and my Duke supplement should be very good as well. I also chanced you back. Thanks!</p>

<p>@par72 That does sound like an interesting option, but i already have too many safeties (which are not listed on here). I’m not worried about my safety schools because I should get good scholarships there, so I didn’t want to waste anyones time by asking them to chance me for safety schools. But thank you! I’m glad to know I’m actually competitive and aren’t just being annoyingly ambitious with my apps.</p>


<p>come on please respond. bummpppp</p>

<p>You have lots of ECs and a good GPA (if that’s unweighted). Test scores are a bit low, thought your science/math subject tests are good. I think USC, Duke, and Cornell would love you. WashU High Match, JHU and Penn reach.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>pretty solid chances at all, bring up the act/sat and ur in</p>

<p>Yep, you’re in the running for Duke ED and probably RD- your app is really strong, definitely low reach/high match</p>

<p>Wow you are as competitive as it gets, I wouldn’t say you get into all of the top tier schools, Penn, Duke, Stanford, but I think you would a match/ safety at the rest. Good luck bro</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses guys. I’m glad other people think I’m a strong applicant. Also @garrison Stanford isn’t on my list. So I don’t know where that came from. </p>

<p>I’m leaning towards Duke ED right now. Do you guys think I could/would get in? If you were an admissions officer would you accept or reject me?</p>

<p>Duke high match
Notre Dame low match
JHU high match
PENN high match
Cornell match
Wash U high match
USC safety</p>

<p>Once you fix your ACT, you have great chances at all of these schools. Let’s say that next time you take it you get a 29 on the reading instead of a 23, which would make a 33 composite, so I’m going to base my chances off of you getting a 33 C on your next ACT. Your Bio and Math subject tests are solid, which is good, and coming from a top high school gives you an upper hand. It seems like you have more EC’s than the common app has room for, so you’re stellar in that area. So here you go:</p>

<p>Duke RD: Low reach
Duke ED: High match
Notre Dame: High match
JHU: Low reach
WashU (not WUSTL right?): Low match
Cornell: High match
Penn: Reach
USC: High match</p>

<p>Chance back?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Nice dude! I agree with the one person who thought it was odd your AP’s were a bit lower than what your GPA would’ve signified. That being said, 4’s aren’t bad. I’d focus on that ACT score and then just really grind out your essays. As long as your essays aren’t the typical cliched stories about your extracurriculars or leadership, I’d say you’d have a pretty good shot. Of course, all these colleges are crapshots really so don’t be down at all if you don’t get in. Why not apply to Pomona College as well if you’re applying to all these great schools?</p>