Chance Me Please- GWU ED I - Class of 2027

Hi, I would really appreciate it if someone can chance me. Here are my stats
-SAT Optional
-93.5/100 GPA
-8 honors classes
-6 AP classes
-4 on APUSH and APLit Exams
-French Honors Society (11-12th grade)
-National Honors Society (11-12th grade)
-AP Scholar (2022)
-4 years of volunteering w/ special needs individuals
-Cashier + Phone Answering summer job for 4 years (36 hours per week)
-Vice President of Equality and Respect Club
-Secretary of French Honors Society
-15 hours volunteering for the homeless community
-Environment Club Participant (3 Years)
-1 Year Babysitting (45 Hours)
-Sign Language Club (2 years)

I want to major in political science and will not need financial aid.

Whoops, meant class of 2027.


Can you equate a 93.5 to a 4 point scale - 4 for an A, 3 for a B, etc.

Don’t worry about + / -

The good news is they show 47% submitted tests and it’s likely lower if some submitted both.

Poli Sci going to be tougher. Full pay is a help.

See if you could find your GPA and do you have a class rank? Not everyone does - but 80% of their kids are in the top quarter.

My guess is you have a chance - but I’m assuming a GPA in the 3.6+ range.

Given the major, it’s hard to know - but you have an impressive portfolio of ECs if you can demonstrate it’s not just titles, but actions…and you are full pay. ED is the gift the schools love to get!!

Good luck.

I think applying ED you have a good chance, with some nice EC’s that make you sound like a good person that would be a positive addition to campus. I think you will get in (but don’t hold me to that!).

I think with ED the chances are high. The one variable we don’t know is what that score means in the context of your school, and how GWU perceives the rigor at your school.