chance me please, i'm curious

<p>Hey so I'm a Junior in CA, wondering about what my shot is at Penn State. here's the profile</p>

<p>ACT Composite: 33 </p>

<p>SAT IIs: Span: 770 Lit: 710 </p>

<p>AP's: Span- 5 Eng- 4 US History- 3</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 3.53 (with hardest courses)</p>

<p>ECs listed on app: football, track, was in 2 clubs, and work</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: did finances that were really receipts at a family friend's company and also had a job too</p>

<p>Essays (subject and responses): already started so they should be very good- on two hardships that have come down on me the last 2 years, and my dealing w/ them. </p>

<p>Teacher Recs: better than great</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: great</p>

<p>School Type: Private, does not rank </p>

<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic</p>


<p>Also: Took 2 summer courses at a local comm. college- pysch and creative writing, both got A's. and i also got 4 academic awards (not sure if it means much, but what the hell)</p>

<p>thanks alot</p>

<p>just wondering what makes you really want to go to Penn State? ( seeing that your from california)</p>

<p>why would you not want to go to Penn State University Park? That's a better question.</p>

<p>well i'm trying to decide on whether or not to make this my safety school. and Penn State is a pretty good school, east coast, and i'm a big sports fan. so going to a good school with a strong sports background would be pretty fun.</p>

<p>its pretty pricey at 35k...</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 3.53 (with hardest courses)</p>

<p>*change: it's actually a 3.44. my bad</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot, even tho the weighted GPA might hurt a little. My school has this site called Naviance (you might have heard of it) and it graphs students' gpa's and sat's from my school and shows whether or not they had been accepted. if you have over a 1250/1600 then gpa doesn't seem to matter as much, but if you have less than a 1250, not many ppl below a 3.5 were accepted. you have an amazing act and sat tho, so i wouldn't worry</p>

<p>I'd say your chances are pretty good based on your very high scores on the ACT, and SAT II's. Also your AP scores are good. Your extra curriculars should also help. My son had lower scores than you, and only a little higher GPA and got accepted right away. Good luck in your college search!</p>

<p>Like everyone else said you should probably get in. Try to make the end of this year count, and raise your GPA a bit in order to give you the best chance come fall.</p>

<p>I would apply as early as possible, but other than that your stats look pretty good.</p>