Chance me please! Low gpa decent test scores

<p>Hi i'm really worried about my grades right now.. so chance me with these colleges and the major i'm going to apply for(sorry, it's kind of long):
UCDavis (1.City/regional planning/ architecture&related majors OR Resources & Conservation OR 3.Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies/nutrition sciences)
UCSB (Natural Resources & Conservation/Env studies OR communications)
UCI (Natural Resources & Conservation/Env studies
UCSD (City/regional planning/architecture&related programs OR natural resources&conservation)
UCB (Architecture&related programs OR nutrition sciences OR Natural resources& conservation
UCLA (Architecture OR Art-general OR Natural Resources & Conservation/env studies OR Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies)

<p>Freshman year grades were horrible.. I think i had a 3.2 gpa unweighted</p>

<p>Sophomore year grades both semester:
French 3-4 B/A
History A/A
English A/A
Bio Honors B/B (counts as A/A if weighted)
Alg 2/trig B/C
PE A/A (not a-g)
Track and field A</p>

<p>Junior year grades (so far):
French A
History A
Photo A
Pre-Calc C
Physics B
AP english B
I took college courses during junior year: (these would count as a 5 pt scale right?)
Art history A
Human geography A
Architecture Past and Present A
I'm planning on taking more college courses for next semester of my junior year:
Human Values in and from the arts
Human nutrition</p>

Interning for since sophomore year at an art studio
President of club for Breast Cancer with a website/blog-type thing
School musical/drama/ half semester credit A during freshman year
track and field for sophomore year
volunteering/tutoring elementary school kids, started this junior year
i'm planning to go to Taiwan next summer for an AID group/program to teach students english, it lasts a month
(So far i need more EC but i don't know what to do.. any suggestions if i want to major mainly in architecture?)</p>

<p>Test scores:
SAT1: 1960 CR620 M650 W690 Essay:9 (I'm going to retake it soon.. aiming for over 2200)
SAT II Chinese: 780
I'm planning to take SAT II Math, Lit, Physics, and maybe/probably not US History next semester
AP Chinese: 4</p>

<p>I'm Asian. Female and 16 years old</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>You got a GRADE for track and field…what</p>

<p>yeaah it counts as an elective class for my high school</p>

<p>Colleges will recalculate your GPA using your English, History, Math, Lab Sciences, and Foreign Language grades. Try recalculating your GPA using only these core subjects (eliminate the grades in PE and electives). Use that GPA along with your SAT scores when figuring your chances at particular schools. </p>

<p>If you took courses at a particular college, those grades are separate from your HS GPA and will show up on an official copy of that particular college’s transcript.</p>

<p>what really? I thought we have a choice to submit our grades from the college courses into our high school transcript instead of sending it to a college’s transcript
But… if that’s true, do you think it would be useless to even take these college courses?</p>

<p>nysmile: so if i recalculate (as in UCgpa) i would have a 3.6 and if i added in those college courses i took, i would have a 3.92</p>

<p>Are you taking these classes through your high school or are you taking them at the college?</p>

<p>Speak directly with your HS guidance counselor regarding how the college classes will be handled.</p>

<p>chance me please!!</p>

<p>oh and at a college
as a highschooler</p>

<p>I don’t think UCs consider college classes that don’t line up with A-G, these look like more electives unfortunately.</p>

<p>Hm… idk if that’s the case, what should I do:

  1. take these college classes I chose anyway, might not count as A-G, but will show colleges that I’m more serious as these classes are related to the major I’m applying for
  2. take different college classes that are for sure A-G, but they are random classes</p>