<p>Hi i'm really worried about my grades right now.. so chance me with these colleges and the major i'm going to apply for(sorry, it's kind of long):
UCDavis (1.City/regional planning/ architecture&related majors OR 2.env.science/Natural Resources & Conservation OR 3.Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies/nutrition sciences)
UCSB (Natural Resources & Conservation/Env studies OR communications)
UCI (Natural Resources & Conservation/Env studies
UCSD (City/regional planning/architecture&related programs OR natural resources&conservation)
UCB (Architecture&related programs OR nutrition sciences OR Natural resources& conservation
UCLA (Architecture OR Art-general OR Natural Resources & Conservation/env studies OR Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies)
<p>Freshman year grades were horrible.. I think i had a 3.2 gpa unweighted</p>
<p>Sophomore year grades both semester:
French 3-4 B/A
History A/A
English A/A
Bio Honors B/B (counts as A/A if weighted)
Alg 2/trig B/C
PE A/A (not a-g)
Track and field A</p>
<p>Junior year grades (so far):
French A
History A
Photo A
Pre-Calc C
Physics B
AP english B
I took college courses during junior year: (these would count as a 5 pt scale right?)
Art history A
Human geography A
Architecture Past and Present A
I'm planning on taking more college courses for next semester of my junior year:
Human Values in and from the arts
Human nutrition</p>
Interning for since sophomore year at an art studio
President of club for Breast Cancer with a website/blog-type thing
School musical/drama/ half semester credit A during freshman year
track and field for sophomore year
volunteering/tutoring elementary school kids, started this junior year
i'm planning to go to Taiwan next summer for an AID group/program to teach students english, it lasts a month
(So far i need more EC but i don't know what to do.. any suggestions if i want to major mainly in architecture?)</p>
<p>Test scores:
SAT1: 1960 CR620 M650 W690 Essay:9 (I'm going to retake it soon.. aiming for over 2200)
SAT II Chinese: 780
I'm planning to take SAT II Math, Lit, Physics, and maybe/probably not US History next semester
AP Chinese: 4</p>
<p>I'm Asian. Female and 16 years old</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>