<p>it really depends on which school you applied to. I know someone, for instance, who had Cs and Ds all over her transcript but went for the music program and got in.</p>
<p>And I know someone with similar SATs who got w/l and with a similar courseload. I think syracuse would like to see more APs and stronger extracurrics. you have a very high gpa though, which is good. </p>
<p>syracuse as a whole however, in my honest and respectful opinion, is not very hard to get in to. especially with your rank and gpa. I applied for the cas and for newhouse. didn’t hear about newhouse but got into the honors program with an ehh essay, just made top 10%, over 2000 on sats, decent recs, but 2 leadership positions and lit ed for yearbook. I think it was the extracurrics that set me apart though. </p>
<p>naoise: you got Renee Crown Honors but not Newhouse.? with 2000SAT’s? weird…just weird…I know Newhouse kids that didn’t get Renee Crown with 2200’s, top 5%…honors selection continues to be a mystery to me…still can’t figure it out…</p>
<p>to the OP: you should be fine depending on the school you applied to…CAS: in…Newhouse: not so sure; depends on ec’s, essays,</p>