Chance me please! UPDATED

In state female from Northern Virginia
Biracial (black and white)
Major: Animal and Poultry Sciences
SAT: 1210 out of 1600
W GPA: 3.614
UW GPA: 3.477
Wrote all 3 essays: something you want the admissions committee to know ( illness not diagnosed until junior year when I was hospitalised and non profit organisation where I make blankets for rescue cats), How is volunteer work important to your life (explained volunteer work with animals) and the diversity essay.
Lots of volunteer work, especially with animals
Chorus: 3 Years
Tri M music honors society : 2 Years
Poetry Club: 2 Years
National Art Honor Society: 1 year
Colour Guard (both marching and indoor) : 2 Years
Babysitting and Pet Sitting: 3 Years

Lettered in chorus
Lettered in academics
AP scholar


All regular freshman year (3.14 gpa) One Honors sophomore year (3.68W gpa) Two AP and one Honors junior year (4.01W gpa) Two AP and one DE senior year (gpa unknown)

I will chance back but you must chance me as well! Thank you so much!!

The attached link shows the average GPA and SAT for admitted students by year, and can help you assess where you stand statistically based on major. Obviously, this is just a high level look and does not factor in the level of classes (ie: AP, Honors. DE, etc.), grading scales, weights, etc.

2017 Average GPA 3.99; Average SAT 1212

Thank you! @bboop42

UPDATE : rejected
Disappointed but Not Surprised