<p>Hi guys, I posted a chances thread some time ago but I've revised my list of schools and have also realized I did not add in some ECs and other info.</p>
<p>Personal Info.
Indian (not living in India)
Very competitive school sending many to top unis
Not applying for any sort of financial aid</p>
-SAT 1: Math, Writing, Reading: 800,800, 720
-GPA: (this is for grade 10): 3.67-- It is out of 4, but our system is far mor rigorous than that of many US schools (e.g. getting a 4.0 is virtually unheard of): but my report card reflects all As
- Grades currently: studying for A levels at the moment. Predicted: AAAAa
- School does not rank
- Most rigorous course Load</p>
<li>2 academic merit-based scholarships</li>
<li><p>Distinction Award for All-rounded Performance in school</p></li>
<li><p>deep interest in arts/writing: </p></li>
<li><p>Performed in 3 Public Performances</p></li>
<li><p>Member of Crew for several other performances</p></li>
<li><p>mentor at a youth camp</p></li>
<li><p>Stage manager for a Arts Extravaganza Public Performance</p></li>
<li><p>Exec. Comm member of school newspaper</p></li>
<li><p>Exec Comm of school Arts Council</p></li>
<li><p>Been sponsored by school for trips to Italy, England and France</p></li>
<li><p>Internship with a Ministry Department</p></li>
<li><p>Community Service (about 160-200 hours)</p></li>
<li><p>Volunteer at a children's home</p></li>
<li><p>Volunteer Recruitment Project (initiated by my group)</p></li>
<li><p>Arts Camp for children in elementary school (I led and initiated it)</p></li>
<li><p>Volunteer at local resident aid centre where I help the underprivileged with bureaucracy issues</p></li>
<li><p>Initiated a project which involved drawing up park plans and meeting with ministers: one plan eventually got taken into consideration for a local school. Selected to represent school at Australian Finals</p></li>
<li><p>Cambridge Summer School participant</p></li>
<li><p>Internship at a prestigious law firm</p></li>
<li><p>Model United Nations delegate</p></li>
<li><p>Swimmer for 10 years: peak was when I was 14 and placed in the finals in the National * Dancer: certified in Latin DanceSwimming Championships</p></li>
<li><p>Piano: grade 6 qualifications</p></li>
<li>Recs are v. good</li>
<li>Essays good according to people who have read it</li>
<p>What are my chances for:
- Columbia
- Brown
- Cornell
- U Penn (Not Wharton)
- Dartmouth</p>
<p>I have safeties in other countries.</p>
<p>Bumppp Chances please! :(</p>
<p>Erms… I’m going to chance you guys in a minute but I find it very hard to believe what you’re saying! I thought every school there was a high-reach for me.
I’m an internatioanl student btw, albeit one not requiring FA.</p>
<p>Does anybody else have an opinion on this? I have also applied to Canada and UK and hence only want to apply if I have some sort of chance in the US-</p>
<p>Opinions anyone? Pretty please?
I have to let my school know soon if I am going to apply to the US and I can’t decide :(</p>
<p>You have some great ECs (esp the intership) and pretty solid stats (esp taking into account the competitiveness of your school), so…</p>
<li>Columbia - low reach</li>
<li>Brown - low reach/high match</li>
<li>Cornell - match</li>
<li>NYU - match</li>
<li>U Penn (Not Wharton) - low reach</li>
<li>Dartmouth - low reach/high match</li>
<p>Let me know what you think of my chances too:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/800471-what-my-chances-chance-me-ill-chance-you-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/800471-what-my-chances-chance-me-ill-chance-you-back.html</a></p>
<p>hey college9876! Thanks for the chance! Check your thread I’ve chanced you :D</p>
<p>Does anybody else have any opinions? I think I might approach my teacher tomorrow</p>
<p>As competitive as your school is, it’s going to be hard to get into the Ivies simply because of the overrepresentaiton of Asian students. There’s no way that Cornell is a match for anybody, much less an over-represented minority. Please don’t take that offensively, as I’m not questioning the quality of you as a student - it’s simply how few students are taken into Cornell, period. Your best shots are going to be at NYU (that’s a low match for you) and UPenn. Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks Keasbey Nights! Yeah I realize that, sadly, getting into US colleges is much harder for Asians. Grah.</p>
<p>Does anybody else have any opinions? I have asked my teacher and he is willing to back my applications, so yay! Any other schools I should reach/match/safety for?</p>
<p>You have good EC and good SAT scores!!</p>
<p>-Columbia-high reach
- Brown-match
- Cornell-match
- NYU-low reach
- U Penn (Not Wharton)-match
- Dartmouth-match</p>
<p>thank you very much Sangwoo Kim! I think I’ll put in applications for cornell, brown, columbia and U Penn now. Not to keen on Dartmouth + NYU is pretty expensive. </p>
<p>Does anybody have any suggestions of where else I may apply?</p>
<p><em>bump</em> 10char</p>
U Penn (Not Wharton)-match
Dartmouth-match </p>
<p>Chance me back!</p>