Chance me please

<p>Gpa 4.4 and 3.68 unweigted
Sat 2- chem 780, math1 790
Ap chem 5 Ap math 4
Excellent ECs with leadership positions for the last 4 years
Spanish national honor society
Track and field for 3 year
100+ community service hours
Looking for ED to washu, EA to UVA, Vanderbilt,tufts,Hopkins. All for engineering.

<p>You have a good shot of getting into all those schools, although Johns Hopkins is very unpredictable with their admission standards. Tufts is a definitely match, you won’t have trouble getting through there, outstanding Standardized Test Scores and your EC’s are superb as well. Why don’t you apply to Columbia (Fu Foundation), and MIT, its worth a shot and acceptances from either would give you a competitive edge. UC Berkeley is also a very good option for you, and UCSD is another superb option if you want to for Bio-Med Engineering. Also try UMich, Carnegie Mellon, and Cornell. WashU, you’ll get in, great school and can’t see anything wrong with it.</p>

<p>Thanx so much. Really appreciate it!!!</p>

<p>Wash U: Reach
Vandy: Reach
JHU: Reach
Tufts: No idea</p>

<p>Your GPA is little low for top colleges. Engineering? Where is your SAT Math level II? Any AP physics?</p>

<p>There are many great state Us for engineering.
UIUC, Michigan, UCB…</p>

<p>Taking bc calc now. Taking honors physics now.
Pretty big difference in opinions on my chances
Appreciate the input.</p>

<p>I presume you are male, but if female, that would be better, because engineering schools are trying to get more women into their programs.</p>

<p>Am female!! I posted an addendum called ‘oh yeah’.</p>