Chance me please

<p>White male from NY</p>

<p>SAT: 1120/1600, 1800/2400

<p>GPA: 92 (my school doesn't do it on a 4-point scale)</p>

<p>Tons of ECs, service hours, and leadership positions, and solid letters of recommendation.</p>

<p>Throughout high school, I've only taken one AP (Spanish) and four honors classes (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Spanish III), but I go to a good high school with a very good reputation, that is very well-known. </p>

National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Dean's Award, Honor Roll</p>

<p>Your SAT scores aren’t good, there’s no way around it. Your High School’s reputation is irrelevant if you can’t succeed in it. The 25th-75th percentile of scores is 1270-1420. You have to raise 150 points to be on the lower end. Your lack of AP courses could also hurt you (unless your school doesn’t offer them). A 92 average isn’t terrible, but you got that in easy classes. A 92 average would be much more impressive with more AP’s and honors. </p>

<p>EC’s, service hours, and letters of recommendation can only take you so far. I consider those the extra “push” if you’re on the border. You’re too far from the border for any of those to matter. </p>

<p>Honest opinion: Look into back-ups.</p>

<p>Sorry, but I agree with BornToBeaGator, although I wouldn’t have exactly worded it that way ;). IIRC, they really only focus on CR+M, and that hurts you. I don’t think your GPA is terrible, but it’s also not stellar (and that would help a lot with those test scores.) I think you have a very low chance. Good luck though.</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you for your inputs. This is one of my reach schools and I have a lot of safety schools so I will have many options if I don’t get in. Looking back, I wish I took more AP classes. But there’s nothing that can be done now anyways…</p>

<p>I guess you didn’t take the ACT? You should have tried that. My D’s SAT score is similar to yours (1170/1600 590CR 580M) but the ACT was much better (28). Still on the low side, but this is her #1 choice.
What made you not take any APs?</p>

<p>I was going to take the ACT after taking a few SAT practice tests where I was scoring in thr 1500s and 1600s, but instead I decided to work very hard on the SAT to try to get a higher score, which I did even though I had aimed a little higher.</p>

<p>My school does offer a lot of APs, however, many are in subjects like Science (my weakness and the reason why my GPA isn’t great, Music, and Art. I am taking AP Spanish. The only AP Math they offer is AP Calculus which I didn’t think I would do well in, even though I had been in honors math. For English, my junior year teacher recommended me for AP, but my sister took it and had issues with the teacher so my mother told me to avoid it (not a good reason, I know). And then for Social Studies I planned on taking AP Euro, but when I went to register (first come first serve) it filled up quickly so they added another class and I was still too late. </p>

<p>I definitely regret not taking another AP.</p>

<p>And good luck to your daughter!</p>

<p>You should check out or Plug in your stats and see your chances. Even ■■■■■■■■■■ has a scatter gram. </p>

<p>Thank you and good luck to you also. I hope to see you on other threads saying where you’ve been accepted.</p>

<p>Definitely agree about using Cappex for chances too. It helps a lot of kids, myself included!</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you!</p>

<p>It doesn’t look too promising, but you just never know. There have been a few people with similar grades/GPAs that got in. Maybe I’ll be lucky? Maybe the people reviewing my application will like something about me. You just never know. 2 kids from my high school’s class of 2012 currently attend Miami so maybe they will see that? I don’t know, you just never know, but I might get lucky.</p>

<p>I definitely agree, and it’s good that you can have hope while dealing with the reality of the situation also. As they say, you never know unless you try!</p>


<p>Also, aren’t I unlucky that most schools don’t look at the writing. If only I could swap my reading and writing scores…and I didn’t even finish my essay!</p>

<p>Ended up being wait listed. I am totally okay with that because I knew my chances weren’t great.</p>