
<p>White Male from outside Philadelphia, Pa
4.24 - Weighted GPA
3.95 - Unweighted
7/250 - Class Rank</p>

<p>SAT: Math – 640
Reading – 560
Writing – 590
(I know it's low. I just could not do well on them.)</p>

<p>APs Taken:
-US History
-English Language and Composition

-Class President
-Secretary of National Honor Society
-President of Spanish Club
-President and Founder of Young Democrats of America</p>

-History Club
-Junior Statesmen of America
-Key Club
-Math League
-Model UN
-National Honor Society
-Spanish Club
-Stock Market Club
-Varsity Club</p>

-Varsity Baseball
-Varsity Golf</p>

<p>Summer Experiences:
-I was selected and given a scholarship to attend a 4-day leadership camp</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I have worked the same part-time job for the past 3 years working around 25 hours a week</p>

<p>Community Service:
-I tutor at the local elementary school
-I help out at the local church handing out community meals to the poor
-I take part in roadside cleanups with my school
-I helped organize my schools Relay for Life
-I help volunteer at the local little league by umpiring baseball games</p>

<p>How many times did you take the SAT/is that a superscore? What did you score on your AP tests (5's could help overcome the low SAT scores). DId you take the ACT? Did you apply ED/EA or RD? If you REALLY want to go to Miami get cracking and take the SAT or ACT again, you might have a shot at RD or a waitlist. The SAT's are the only thing marginal.</p>