<p>I don’t think you have a shot.adchen124…why would Rutgers give a scholarship for those stats??Are you an admissions couselor? forthesakeof…you have an "ok shot of getting in…and the word ok is a gift.Rutgers does not care that you are being a “good boy” in school now.They want to see great stats,great extra-curriculars,and some sort of “good-will” services over the course of 4 years in h.s.Unless you were nominated for a fields medal,I would consider Stockton State college.</p>
<p>Ok…so whats your point?The GPA is still too low.The SAT…and I stand corrected,is very good.The GPA sucks…what do you want me to say? Rutgers…is heading in a new direction…trust me!</p>
<p>I think you’re pretty well off. What about extra curriculars?
The SAT score is enough for some money, but the GPA’s kind of low. I don’t know how that’ll work out since your school doesn’t rank.</p>
<p>I was a little worried about the 2.7 too but it’s not impossible.
it depends on your rank then… and RU recalculates your GPA anyway based on your school I heard.
you have a chance. you’ll still apply anyway :)</p>
<p>is it just me, or did some of the posts that were here get deleted? thought i remembered someone promising me i’d get in… boosted my confidence haha, but its gone so… lol. iunno, i have no volunteering or anything either so, i think i’m screwed. most of the people that got accepted on the accepted for freshies 09 have < 3.0 and that scares me. any more guesses?</p>