Chance Me Please???!!!

<p>I am applying to 3 different schools: Pomfret, KUA( kimball Union Academy), and brewster.
I have had awsome interviews at all of them and i love them all. </p>

<li>i have all a's
-i play lacrosse</li>
<li>i play field hockey
-i dance</li>
<li>i was a swimmer up until last year
-im advanced clarinet
-have an interest in the arts (piano, acting, ceramics, digital)
-im in the student council
-im in peer leaders</li>
<li>communtiy service (toy drive, food drive, helped with disabled children)</li>

<p>Please tell me what my chances are of getting in!!!!!</p>

<p>What were your SSAT scores?
And “I used to swim” isn’t really something you can list on an application unless you plan on restarting it. Consider more schools, maybe Concord or Choate (a reach) for your art interest.</p>

<p>Practically the same as everyone else’s (in other case, the ideal applicant).</p>

<p>i think schools would rather have some stuff you’re doing now, not stuff like i used to swim. but get a good score on your ssats and i’m sure you’ll be fine. what grade are you applying?</p>

<p>The only reason i put i swam was because KUA has a swim team, and im considering starting again. My brother goes to choate and is on varstiy sports and all, but im not sure academically i would be ready… i only beat 50% of the people who took the ssats. (my 1st time). The only think that really is helping me is i got 70% on math. Thanks for the response!!</p>

<p>well I USED to play ice hockey (8 years, select, numerous awards, some significant and others not) until last year. I’ve been travelling since and cannot honestly commit to a team. I’m listing it because I DO want to continue it at school, so no harm done.</p>

Although I haven’t heard of these schools (my opinion has the value of my left pinky), you may want to consider doing some hard core studying for the ssat. If these schools have the same standards as most of the schools which are commonly posted on here, that is. </p>

<p>Other thing is: we know just as much as you, or less, about the admissions process so unless you make your chances thread solely for the purpose of getting compliments, understand they often times we (people on this forum) are often have incredibly high standards that don’t necessarily reflect the standard of the admissions officer.
… long story short, our opinions don’t count for poopy!</p>

<p>I completely agree with you istoleyournose. Frankly, we’re all kids.
We’re all the same eager, wide-eyed teenagers that want a bright future. I think that subconciously, we all want the ‘other’ one to be inferior so as to make our acceptance chances greater - it’s human. So, in turn, purposeful or not, we really want to have your 87th percentile inferior to our 88th - greatly inferior.</p>

<p>These kids on here are exceptional individuals. You have to realize this. These schools have realistic standards - they are not expecting wunderkinds who get straight A+'s in every subject, speak Arabic, Russian, and German fluently at 15, play 4 sports: hockey, soccer, tennis and swimming - all at a varsity level and has been reconized nationally to go and win Olympic gold medals, have won Academy Awards for their acting achievements, started an organization that has raised $50mil towards academic development for third world countries, and last but not least, has recieved a nobel peace prize at the age of 12 for their humanitarian achievements (is that even possible haha).</p>

<p>Keep this in mind… you will drive yourself crazy thinking otherwise.</p>


<p>You make a very good point, but in that case, I don’t really understand this whole chance board section of the forum lol.</p>

<p>haha leekleek123 good point. but really, everyone has a fair chance. everyone is looked at by the admissions committee and the committee’s decision is carefully decided. whatever answer you get back from them will have been well thought out</p>

<p>Haha thanks! Yeah, I’ve never been a fan of this area, per se. Especially when it gets political and overworked. (Unless you’re being sarcastic!? Lol, in which case; you suck, lol.)</p>

<p>I digress…</p>

<p>I do NOT think a comment on here should EVER defer a potential Exonian, Grotonian (lol?) or Andovian (yeah - no clue) from applying. If anything, the comments on here should be encouraging! I really dislike it when users on here put others down. While they claim it’s only because “the voice of reason is screaming to come out”, I beg to differ. The voice of reason? Let me rephrase that: THEIR voice of reason - and even then, I question the integrity of such a statement. Maybe the applicant really does appear to be under equipped for such a school - be it academically or not - but even then that does not merit degrading comments of any degree, especially from such a group as ourselves. If they are under equipped, they will find out. They will realize. All in good time my friends! You needn’t force such a conclusion, it will come if and when it’s meant to. And if they don’t, and aren’t meant to, it is their plight, and you needn’t spend your time on it - be it of altruistic duty, or malicious intent.</p>

<p>I swear, if these schools read some of the comments these extraordinary individuals/applicants/kids get, they’d be livid! Truly… I really think College Confidential needs to revise these sections. They need to remember the demographic, and that these aren’t college-bound, (more) mature 18 year olds, but largely barely-old-enough-to-date 13 year old <em>kids</em>. As you age, you’re able to filter out comments which hold little potency and seperate yourself from them, but in the early teens you’re highly susceptible to influence.</p>

<p>Anyways… holy long-winded! And pardon my rant… it’s been buggin’ me for a while.
Also happy holidays people! Santa is coming… or whatever holiday floats your boat - it is coming! Or has come and gone… ugh, being politically correct is tiring ahah.</p>

<p>ditto mmoynan lol</p>

<p>ditto the dittoer =P</p>