chance me please =)

<p>Applying to: UCLA, UCB (main choice), UCSD, UCirvine, Santa Clara, Stanford, U of Chicago, Yale, Columbia, UPenn</p>

<p>mostly applied for economics majors</p>

<p>Chinese, Norcal, competitive religious private HS
1st generation to attend college here in the US, parents went to college in China
UW GPA: 3.9773, Weighted: 4.4318
Rank: 21 out of 275
SAT: 700 CR, 800 M, 740 W (essay: 11), total: 2240
SAT2: 800 chinese, 750 math2, 700 bio-E, 730 US
AP: USH 5, Calc BC & AB subscore 4, Bio 4, Euro History 3
Currently taking 5 APs (hardest possible)</p>

<p>Awards: AP Scholar w/ Honor, Honor Roll, CSF Lifetime Membership, numerous highest-grade-in-class awards</p>


<p>-1 year of JV/1 year of varsity basketball, scholar athlete
-4 year member of math club, won some minor county competitions
-Secretary of computer/internet club
-Treasurer of chess club
-School/private tutor for 2 years, also tutored piano from time to time
-Main A/V technician for my church youth group for 3 years
-Volunteered 2 summers at a disabled children's hospital in China, and during the school year volunteered at an elderly home 2-3 hours a week
-In addition to the summer community n service work, worked as an IT assistant for one summer and a research assistant the other</p>

<p>Your GPA is as good as it can be unweighted. But your rank is barely in the top 10%. That is just a bit risky for the top schools on your list. Your SAT looks fine for half of your list, but for the other half… its just average. Your SAT II’s need a little bit of beefing, at least for your stronger colleges. 800 Chinese is NOT going to raise an eyebrow, because the average score for Chinese is around 760-780. It only means that you are slightly above average. Math 2 and USH might give you some competitiveness in UChicago, but probably less so in UPenn, Stanford, and Yale.
Your APs look fine, except that Euro might hurt a little bit.
Courseload looks pretty good, and only standard for your better colleges.</p>

<p>Your ECs and Volunteering looks full, although I cannot tell if you don’t give me some specific hours on some of the activities. I see a minor hook in your traveling to China to volunteer for 2 summers. Don’t portray that as just another trip to a foreign country to help children when there are plenty in the USA. Portray it as a return to your home country and helping out fellow Chinese citizens who need your help.</p>

<p>Your awards look standard. You didn’t tell me about your teacher recommendations and your essays. Were they good?</p>

<p>Overall, I would give you these chances at those schools.
UCLA- Match
UCB- Match
UCSD- Match
UCirvine- Match
Stanford- High Reach
U of Chicago- Low-er Reach
Yale- High Reach
Columbia- Reach