chance me please =)

<p>Applying to: UCLA, UCB (main choice), UCSD, UCirvine, Santa Clara, Stanford, U of Chicago, Yale, Columbia, UPenn</p>

<p>mostly applied for economics majors</p>

<p>Chinese, Norcal, competitive religious private HS
1st generation to attend college here in the US, parents went to college in China
UW GPA: 3.9773, Weighted: 4.4318
Rank: 21 out of 275
SAT: 700 CR, 800 M, 740 W (essay: 11), total: 2240
SAT2: 800 chinese, 750 math2, 700 bio-E, 730 US
AP: USH 5, Calc BC & AB subscore 4, Bio 4, Euro History 3
Currently taking 5 APs (hardest possible)</p>

<p>Awards: AP Scholar w/ Honor, Honor Roll, CSF Lifetime Membership, numerous highest-grade-in-class awards</p>


<p>-1 year of JV/1 year of varsity basketball, scholar athlete
-4 year member of math club, won some minor county competitions
-Secretary of computer/internet club
-Treasurer of chess club
-School/private tutor for 2 years, also tutored piano from time to time
-Main A/V technician for my church youth group for 3 years
-Volunteered 2 summers at a disabled children's hospital in China, and during the school year volunteered at an elderly home 2-3 hours a week
-In addition to the summer community n service work, worked as an IT assistant for one summer and a research assistant the other</p>

<p>assuming your from Cali, I’d say you have a decent shot at all the UCs and Stanford… You need to write astronomical essays for UChic not beacuse you cant make it but beacause they really focus on essays… It could go either way for Yale, Columbia and Penn… I think you’ll get into atleast one of the last three. Good Luck</p>

<p>P.s. I’d choose Columbia or Penn for Economics</p>