Chance me please :)

<p>Ok so Fordham is my top choice and unfortunately I got deferred. i was wondering what my chances for RD are.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.2
SAT: 640-Math,560-CR,580-Writing
ECs: 3 yrs of Varsity Soccer, 4 yrs of Varsity Golf, good amount of Volunteer work, worked at a library for 2 yrs
my brother graduated from Fordham last year
I also wrote a letter to them telling them why I wanna go there and some other stuff
I applied to CBA</p>

<p>Thanks in advance to whoever replies</p>

<p>high match - low reach.</p>

<p>the letter of interest is good.</p>

<p>however the GPA coupled with the SAT scores isn’t looking good for you. are you retaking? (grrl i dont blame you if you don’t, i never wanna take that test again!)</p>

<p>good luck, hope you get in =D</p>

<p>i like how you wrote them a letter to further show ur interest in the school. good luck, and i hope u get the fat envelope with ur acceptance letter in the spring!! :P</p>

<p>yea ik my gpa and SATs are below average but ik that there not low enough for them to not consider me. The good thing is that they know how much I wanna go there because of the letter and I visited the school once for a tour and another time for an interview.</p>

<p>Hurley- I think you have a decent chance, especially because of your brother being a graduate. A girl I know got in last year with alot lower SAT and GPA than you because her parent’s were graduates. They count that alot more than you’d think. Good Luck</p>

<p>Your grades and SATs are a little low, but having a sibling who attended should help.</p>

<p>try to bring up your GPA so your Mid-year reports look better.</p>

<p>My senior year gpa after 1 semester is a 3.54 and that’s with 3 APs so if I continue at the same pace my final gpa would be a little under 3.3 which still isn’t great but it’s still an improvement</p>

<p>my gpa after 1st semester was actually 3.66 so that should def. help.</p>

<p>Hopefully you get in so i know i have a good shot as my grades are identical. I also applied to cba.</p>

<p>I Have an 87.11 Average weighted. I toke 5 AP’s and would’ve been higher if not for 9th grade(72 Average)
Highest Math/English: 1200
Highest Math/English/Writing: 1780
My current GPA for 12 grade is 92.6</p>

<p>Yeah you are in decent shape</p>

<p>To the person directly above me, probably not.</p>

<p>How am i not in decent shape compared to hurley. Identical SATs and almost smae grades plus im in 5 clubs and i also have 600 hours of community service. I also vistied campus. Plus they will consider my circumstances. My father died when i was 2 and my has been taking care of me and my family for 15 year with little support. 1st genertaion college student and I’m a minority(if Pakistani is still considered a minority group)</p>

<p>decisions should be coming in a couple weeks so I’m just gonna bump this to maybe get some more reply’s</p>

<p>I’m in the same position as you guys lol, 3.2 GPA and a 1210/1800 SAT, I’m not in as many EC’s though. Our GPA’s are really going to kill us, but you never know.</p>

<p>I have a 3.16 GPA (2.79 freshman, 2.64 sophomore, 4.0 Junior with 1 AP 1 honors, and 3.6 first semester senior year 3 APs and 1 honors) and 1230/1780 SAT.</p>

<p>3.056 1220/1700 5APs RD</p>

<p>waiting for a response…</p>