Chance me please!!

<p>Hello everyone, my name is Mike and I'am one those kids who wants to become something extraordinary in order to help the needy people around the world. Well, if somebody desires to be great, they need great education, right? This is where, I believe, College Confidential comes in. This is a site where the "aspiring hopefuls" like me post their profiles to see whether or not they have a good chance of getting into the Ivy Leagues. </p>

<p>So I beg everyone who views this: Instead of leaving my Thread without even a single word, could you guys take some time to view this and reply with your utmost honesty? </p>

<p>Ethnicity: Asian.
Legacy: Well, none in UPenn but had a uncle who graduate from Brown..</p>

(Unweighted): 3.75
(Weighted) : 4.4
*Top 10% of our class</p>

*HAve not taken SAT IIs yet</p>

10th--U.S. History (Sadly, got a 2 on the exam)
11th--AP Lang, AP World, AP Govt
12th--AP Euro, Stats, Lit, and Environmental.</p>

<p>*4 years of learning Spanish</p>

9th--SGA, NJROTC Athletic team</p>

<p>10th-- JV Football, Track and Field, NJROTC Athletic team, NJROTC Drill Team, NJROTC Academic Team, Church Praise Team (Drummer)</p>

<p>11th-- NHS, NSHS, Track and Field, NJROTC Athletic team, Drill Team, Academic Team (Captain), Youth Group President, Adult Praise team (Head drummer), Youth group praise team (head drummer).</p>

<p>*My friends and I made up a christian band lately to perform in various places.</p>

<p>*I'm currently chosen to attend a leadership seminar in Embry-Riddle University and the Naval Academy summer seminar.</p>

<p>12th (My plans)-- NHS, NSHS, Track and Field (Captain), NJROTC Safety Officer, NJROTC (Drill, Academic, Color Guard, and Athletics), Praise Team and Youth group praise team drummer, Model U.N., and maybe Lacrosse.</p>

<p>apply to penn ED. You would just wind up choosing Penn anyway if you got in RD. it’s awesome</p>

<p>nothing significantly great/bad
i think you have a normal chance like every other applicant</p>

<p>i love your legacy haah</p>

<p>poor test scores for Asians. My asian friends all scored 2300. Your 2290 looks bad on paper.
No real dedicaton or standout in EC.
Good application overall. 40% chance depending on Rec and essay.</p>

<p>The blind leading the blind…you made a chance thread just a few days ago.</p>

<p>I’m not even going to pretend that I can reasonably assess your odds, but your stats are competitive.</p>

<p>I think you have a least a shot. CAS, Wharton or SEAS? Apply ED if you really want it.</p>

<p>I don’t get the advice of “apply ED.” ED is for legacies. Our school sent 2 kids to Wharton (1 last year and one this year) and both applied regular only (I’m one of them).</p>

<p>Statistically he should have a better chance if he applies early. It’s not only legacies from what I’ve seen. This year alone my school is sending 5 kids to Wharton. 3/5 were accepted ED but only one was a legacy. The other legacy was actually deferred from M&T initially and then accepted to the program RD.</p>

<p>“poor test scores for Asians. My asian friends all scored 2300. Your 2290 looks bad on paper.”</p>

<p>oh shoot. gotta bump my 2270 to 2300 because the 30 points just define who i am as a person!?</p>

<p>Well. Depends.
maybe that poor test score needs to be retracted.</p>

<p>A 800-800-670 will bone you where as a 2270/3 - 2270/3 - 2270/3 wont.</p>

<p>You’re talking out of your ass. </p>

<p>2150 here - 740 CR, 700M, 710W</p>

<p>I’m a brown Canadian.</p>

<p>ED helps so much. I’m the only one from my school who got in regular. (We had people who got in ED and lots of people applied regular…) ED helps. It shows interest and commitment to a school that looks for school pride and enthusiasm. This year, Penn took 48% of the class of 2013 ED and a lot more people apply regular.</p>

<p>Looks good! (Uncle at brown won’t help a bit btw) the legacy thing’s kinda dying down too… both of my m8’s parents are Harvard grads but my m8 got wait-listed from Harvard with 2370 and then rejected
Just make sure that you sound genuine when you write your essays about altruism</p>

<p>OMG @asian at lab: SAT’s aren’t everything, the school wants individuals who will make contributions to the school’s great learning environment… i highly doubt that they would want a school full of 2400-chugging machines like you (are you coming to penn btw?)</p>

<p>With a 3.75, you should apply to penn early decision. The good news is that if you get in, you’ll have so much less stress and maybe be able to actually enjoy your senior year</p>

<p>wait, you mean you’re not going there to become an investment banker or get a job to make money out your a$$?</p>

<p>id emphasise that if i were you.</p>

<p>scores are a big part of ur profile, but then again, its not
by the time ur applying to schools like penn, and other ivy league schools, everyone will pretty much have similar test scores</p>

<p>a lot has to do w/essays and ec
my sat scores r rly low for an asian (superscore 2180, 800 m, 700 w, 680 cr), so i’m pretty sure its my essay and ec that helped most (with prolly gpa helping out somewhat)
even with my sat score, i still got in rd</p>

<p>what school do u want to apply to? wharton? seas? sas? nursing (which i doubt)?
i kinda realized i was going for seas, so a lot of the courses i took reflected my strength in the science/math areas, which were further boosted by test scores, so it mite help u to focus a bit more in one area (show some definite strengths), instead of being too uh… well-rounded i guess (from ur classes and ec, u seem to be well, everywhere)
its good that ur good at a lot of things, but it could hurt u if penn decides to take it that u aren’t too sure of ur own strengths</p>

<p>hope that helps… i’ma end this long reply lol
go class '13!! =D</p>

<p>A definite “No” for Wharton. A tentative “Worth a try” for the College. Great essays are what get people with 2270 SAT I and an average of 92% into the College.</p>

<p>I have similar test scores (SAT - 2300, MathIIC - 800) and GPA (3.79 unweighted, no weighted GPA at my school) and want to apply ED to Wharton…
I think it’s a pretty big reach GPA-wise because at my school the average GPA of Upenn acceptances is 3.86…</p>

<p>the statistics for ed are pretty inflated but it does help. Btw asian at lab, all of your asian friends actually fail. I’m asian and got 2400. 2300 looks pretty bad on paper too.</p>

<p>/end bragging</p>

<p>btw wharton looks alot for leadership/initiative and I’m not sure I see that enough from you in the right direction. Its great that you want to help people but wharton is a pretty practical and not so very idealistic school.</p>