Chance me please

<p>i'm wondering if i have shot at getting into Dartmouth</p>

<p>GPA UW: 4.0
GPA W: 4.2
ACT: 33</p>

<p>sat ii's are pretty low, mid-600's. </p>

<p>i don't have as long a list of extracurriculars as others but i'm really passionate about the things i do</p>

<p>also my dad went there</p>

<p>Is there any way you can get your SAT IIs into the 700s? As a legacy with a 33 on the ACT, if you apply ED with 700+ SAT II scores, I think you’ve got a good chance of getting in.</p>

<p>With that 4.0 UW, are you valedictorian or top 5% (I’m assuming at least top 5%); if you are valedictorian or salutatorian, your chances would increase significantly from what you presented here.</p>

<p>all looks well except your sat II. work on bringing it up</p>

<p>Okay i’m not sure how to bring my sat II’s up! because i took us history, math and biology right after completing apush/calc/ap bio and still did poorly, so now it seems like my scores would only go down because its been so long since i’ve reviewed the material. i’m simply not an SAT person! and yes i am in the top 5% but we don’t find out valedictorian/salutatorian until much later in the year</p>

<p>Hey, what I am doing is self-studying SAT II Biology and Chemistry, even though I have never taken AP Bio, and I took AP Chem two years ago. I know it sounds desperate, but I have to do it :/</p>